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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Friday, 22 March 2019 13:28

beijing oral Gao Bo

Dr. Gao Bo is the associate professor and master instructor of teaching and researching on service design, media and communication design, healthcare design, transition design in the College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University. Dr. Gao published numbers of academic papers in international design research and design education conferences, such as DRS/DMI/ CUMULUS,etc. Dr. Gao hosts the research projects, such as " The research of using the service design in the smart communities of changing urban of  China. " sponsored by the social science and humanity on Young Fund of the ministry of Education(14YJC760011)The research of " Using the service design to set up the innovative and entrepreneurial methods." Construction and Application demonstration of training system for College students' innovative and entrepreneurial methods, National Major Project, 2016, Ministry of Science and Technology. The research of "social innovation and service design” sponsored by Shanghai Summit Discipline in Design(DB17009).

Dr. Gao is also an active member of DRS(Design Research Society, UK),DMI(Design Management Institute, USA),DESIS China (a Network on Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability in China), LeNS -China (the Learning Network on Sustainability), and Shanghai Designers Association. 

Oral Presentations:

Designing for climate change for all——A Media and Communication Design course to increase public awareness

Friday, 22 March 2019 13:26

beijing oral Jesse Drew

Jesse Drew’s research and practice centers on alternative and community media and their impact on democratic societies, with a particular emphasis on the global working class. His audio-visual work, represented by Video Data Bank, has been exhibited at festivals and in galleries internationally.  Open Country is his current film project, a feature documentary on the politics of American Country music. His writings have appeared in numerous publications, journals and anthologies, includingResisting the Virtual Life (City Lights Press), At a Distance (MIT Press), Collectivism After Modernism (University of Minnesota), West of Eden (PM Press). His new book is A Social History of Contemporary Democratic Media (Routledge). He is currently professor of Cinema and Technoculture at UC Davis, where he teaches media archaeology, radio production, documentary studies, electronics for artists, and community media. Before coming to UC Davis he headed the Center for Digital Media and was Associate Dean at the San Francisco Art Institute.

Oral Presentations:

Designing for climate change for all——A Media and Communication Design course to increase public awareness

Friday, 22 March 2019 13:23

beijing oral Glenda Drew

Glenda Drew is a critical maker whose research is based at the intersections of visual culture and social change, with a particular emphasis on the working class. The content of her work is rooted in creating messaging with greater social implications, encouraging behavior change and practicing engaged scholarship of placemaking. Her subjects include country musicians, waitresses, feminists and precarious workers. She approaches her work with an organic sense of play, exploration and curiosity tempered by the design discipline with the goal of making meaningful work. Drew was an active member of Paper Tiger Television in San Francisco for several years, a defining experience that continues to anchor and shape her work, from the DIY aesthetic and approach aimed at unpacking media technologies, to creating accessible media that asks critical questions about media. Drew exhibits her work nationally and internationally. Recent exhibitions include PL!NK at the Crocker Museum of Art (Sacramento), Cliteracy at the Manetti Shrem Museum of Art (Davis), pixeldust at ISEA 2017 (Colombia, South America) and was recently featured in Bitch! A Feminist Response to Pop Culture magazine, The Washington Post and Leonardo Journal. She is currently a Professor of Design, specializing in digital media, at UC Davis. 

Oral Presentations: 

Designing for climate change for all——A Media and Communication Design course to increase public awareness

In order to proactively respond to the 13th category of Climate Change in UNESCO SDGs, the course of Media and Communication Design for Climate Change is designed to deliver comprehensive future-oriented design methodology to inspire and increase public sensibility and awareness about the vigorous environmental and human health situation caused by global warming and pollution.

The course introducedthe tools and methods of design upfront, to assist the students in addressing the issues, analysing the logic and, more importantly, building up capability to imagine the future and inspire potential short, mid- and long-term solutions. After 2-week practice, the students had chance to create design works in various medias and circumstances by different design approaches. Through intensive collaborations with students, the course aims to empower the practitioners to confront the fundamental changes at every level of society, and embrace the social innovation in more effective and dynamic ways of design.

Authors: Bo Gao, Glenda Drew, Jesse Drew

Friday, 22 March 2019 13:18

beijing oral Ping Wu

Donghua University, China

M.D., Architectural Design and Its Theory, Tongji University, China

B.D., Industrial Product Design, Wuxi Light Industry University (Jiang Nan University), China

Interests and Specialties: Sustainable Design (as it applies to industrial products); Bamboo Stem Product Design; Furniture Design; Lighting Design; Houseware Design; Smart Product Design; History of Industrial Product Design; Foundation of Industrial Product Design; Method and Approach of Design;




2017, Wu Ping, Design Discipline Construction Based on Subliminal Theory [J].advances in social science, education and humanities research. Vol.156 P209 (CPCI)

2016, Wu Ping, Characteristics Analysis and Design Thinking of Intelligent Hardware in the Digital Age[J]. Packaging Engineering. Vol.37 No.8 (Total No.326) P24. (CSCD)

2016, Wu Ping, Product Detail Design Oriented to the Needs of The User Experience[J]. Packaging Engineering. Vol.37 No.6 (Total No.324) P71. (CSCD)

2011, Wu Ping, A Brief Analysis on Characteristics and Ideas of the Design of New-type LED Domestic Lamps[J]. MMSE 2011.Vol.228-229(2011) pp396-401.  (EI)

ID Number: 320105197212151622

Oral Presentations:

Sustainable Design Principles for Using Bamboo Stems


Friday, 22 March 2019 13:06

beijing oral Eric Anderson

Mr. Anderson has been a professional geoscientist for nearly 30 years. His expertise is in disaster risk reduction. He also has extensive experience in coastal development related to the tourism industry. He is currently applying his skills to the creation of permacultural based homesteads. He is the co-founder of Resilient Farms and Design Studio.

Oral Presentations: 

Revitalizing Marginalized Communities for Sustainable Development by Design

Friday, 22 March 2019 13:03

beijing oral Tao Huang

Before joining the faculty of design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Dr. Tao Huang was an assistant professor of design and former Associate/Summer Chair for the Art & Design Department at Columbia College Chicago. She earned her doctorate in architecture and design research from Virginia Tech in 2007. She holds a bachelor of science and a master of fine arts both in industrial design from Beijing Institute of Technology and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, respectively. She has practiced in multiple design fields for over 20 years in mainland China and the United States, including design research, product design, interior design, advertising (post-production animation), graphic design, and packaging design.

Besides being an expert in sustainable design (holding the LEED AP Building Construction & Design credential) and design education, Dr. Huang has worked with many clients. Before Dr. Huang came to the U.S., she was an assistant professor at Guangdong University of Technology and the owner of two successful businesses. She has co-founded a design and research consultancy Resilient Design Studio in Chicago in 2013, which evolved into Resilient Farms and Design Studio, which specialized in using design for the revitalization of marginalized communities.

Oral Presentations: 

Revitalizing Marginalized Communities for Sustainable Development by Design

Sustainable Design Principles for Using Bamboo Stems

Aiming at the housing problem of urban young drifters, this paper explored the community service mode which conformed to the needs of urban young drifters from the perspective of service design. Based on the Service Experience Engineering method, this paper took " YOU+ International youth Community" as the research case and studied the demand trend research through context research, user research and demands analysis. Moreover, this paper studied the service value network in terms of the stakeholder, the business model research and completed the service prototype through the service blueprint and the service contact. With the study of the present living situation of young drifters, this paper grasped the value of young drifters, synthesized various design means, constructed a ‘habitation plus living’ community service model which conformed to the characteristic of young drifters. In this way a sustainable circle of value creation would be created, and the mutual benefit of the young drifters, the community and the city would be finally realized.

Authors: Fei Hu, Yumeng Jin , Xing Xu

Friday, 22 March 2019 12:47

beijing oral Lam Yan Yan

Dr Lam Yan Yan currently resides in Hong Kong, with her status as a design education consultant, advisor, taking her across China to different regions and universities— participating in various design education projects along with a plethora of university design educators with the aim of fostering further creative education. These projects include Creative Education Curriculum for Primary School, Creative Education Training Workshop for University Students and Designers, and researches of teaching methodology and implementation of creative education.   Currently, she is working as Distinguished Professor at Design Academy, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute ; Adjunct Associate Professor at the Faculty of Design & Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, and Visiting Associate Professor at School of Design, Jiangnan University.  Dr Lam spends her time writing texts for creative education. Her inspiration for programme core focus lies with the connection between design and lifestyle — how designers should find the most aesthetic design elements through the feeling of empathy and quality of sustainability, thus creating designs that integrate seamlessly with our daily lives with the aim of maximising comfort that truly impact our lives.  

Oral Presentations:

Sustainability and Creative Education: Developing a Sustainability Culture of Higher Education in China

Friday, 22 March 2019 12:43

beijing oral Liu Xin

Dr. Liu Xin is tenure track professor in the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. He is director of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Eco-Design, Coordinator of DESIS Lab and the Initiator and Coordinator of LeNS-China. His main research orientation is Design for Sustainability and Fundamental Design.

His current research areas are urban environmental sanitation system research and design, urban mineral research and innovative design, ecological toilet research and system design, community waste classification research and popular science design, as well as new ecological material research and product application design.

Oral Presentations:

Urban Mine Redesign Course: Research and Teaching Practice