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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Friday, 08 March 2019 10:33

milan oral Siyuan Human

Siyuan Huang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano. Her research interest is how Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality influence human experience, decision-making, and behavior. Currently, she focuses on Design for Behavior Change. In particular, the development of interactive technologies in support of pro-social and pro-environmental attitude and behavior.

Oral Presentations:

Effects of Colored Ambient Lighting on Perceived Temperature for Energy Efficiency: A Preliminary Study in Virtual Reality

Friday, 08 March 2019 10:17

milan oral Lisa Thomas

My research interests focus on investigating how rationalistic understandings of technology associated with the modern worldview restrict design from contributing substantively to sustainability by viewing technologies as neutral, which de-emphasises their world building nature. I am especially interested in developing methods and tools that support design students to understand technologies in non-neutral terms and explore the implications of this understanding for developing more sustainable ways of living via the design of technological artefacts.

Oral Presentations:

The Technological Mediation of Sustainability: Design as a Mode of Inquiry

Friday, 08 March 2019 10:08

milan oral Emilio Rossi

Emilio Rossi is CEO at Emilio Rossi Design Consulting (Italy) and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design in the Department of Architecture at the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). 
He received a PhD in Industrial Design (Architecture and Urban Planning Program) (2014) and a Master in Architecture (2010) at University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy); he also obtained a Master in Euro-Project Management (2013) at Europa Cube Innovation Business School (Italy). In 2013, he was a Visiting Researcher at Brunel University London (UK). His research interests revolve around the areas of: 1) Design for Social Inclusion in new product development; 2) Sustainable Human Centred Design; 3) Development of new technologies, tools and methods for sharing know-how; 4) 3D Printing for product innovation. 
He is Co-Chair of the AHFE Affiliated Conference on Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Systems and 3D Prototyping and a Member of the IEA Technical Committee on Human Factors and Sustainable Development. Professionally, he works in the fields of new product development, design research and strategic innovation, with a focus on Sustainability and Social Inclusion.
Oral Presentations:
Friday, 08 March 2019 09:58

milan poster Ana Margarida Ferreira

Ana Margarida Ferreira holds a degree in Industrial Design (1995, IADE), a Postgraduate degree in Product Design (1996, Glasgow School of Art / CPD) and a PhD in Production Engineering/Industrial Design (2008, UBI). She is Assistant Professor at IADE-UE, PT, member of the Scientific Board and Senior researcher of UNIDCOM /IADE. She also collaborates with Brazilian LOGO/ UFSC and ECOAR/UFRN Research Labs, and Cypriot Art + Design elearning Lab-Design for Social Change/CUT. Ana Margarida is the director and lecturer of academic courses such as Research Methodology, Design, Creativity, Innovation, Sustainability or Production Design (PhD, MSc and BA). Currently, she is a PostDoc Research Fellow in the field of Social Design at CUT and, since 2018, an associate member of Synthesis – Center for Research and Education in Cyprus. She successfully supervised 4 PhD theses and more than 20 Master theses in Design, in collaboration with companies and other national and international Higher Education Institutions. She was President of the Scientific Board of IADE-U and the previous coordinator of IADE’s BA Course in Design. Her main Research Interests are: Design, Creativity, Social Innovation and Sustainability; Tourism, Wellbeing and Governance; Cultural and Creative Industries, Social Change.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID: 0000-0001-7799-0477


Upscaling Local and National Experiences on Education for Social Design and Sustainability for All to a Wider International Arena: Considerations and Challenges

Friday, 08 March 2019 09:49

milan oral Jotte de Koning

Jotte de Koning is an Assistant Professor of Design for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology (TUD). Her expertise lies in the field of participatory design, sustainability transitions and systems thinking. Her research is focused on co-creation processes between different actors in sustainability transitions. She explores how methods from the field of Participatory Design and approaches of Design thinking are relevant for different stakeholders in sustainability transitions.

She previously worked as a doctoral researcher on design, co-creation and sustainable consumption behaviour in Vietnam. As a postdoctoral researcher she worked on the cross-section of design and transition management with a specific focus on tools and participation in cities.

Jotte has published articles on sustainable consumption behaviour among the urban middle class of Vietnam; on the concept of co-creation and participatory design; and during her postdoctoral research she has published articles on participatory design and the complexity of sustainability transitions in cities.

Oral Presentations:

Design and Transition Management: Value of Synergy for Sustainability


Thursday, 07 March 2019 09:29

curitiba keynote Leonardo Castillo

Leonardo Castillo, Colombian born designer from the National University of Colombia (1994). He has extensive experience in product and service design and development, with emphasis on innovation, design and sustainability. In Japan, he worked as a researcher in the field of Computer Human Interaction design at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, (1997-1999). He completed his Master's in Architecture (2001) and PhD studies (2004) at the School of Human and Environmental Studies, both at Kyoto University. After a short internship at United Nations University he moved to Brazil in 2014. He has been a consultant in design innovation for several organizations. He participated in projects for Positivo, Nokia, The Brazilian Ministry of Education, Coca-Cola, and Fiat. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the field of Design and Innovation for Sustainability at TU.Delft University, in the Netherlands(2011-2012). He currently lives in Recife, Brazil, where he is Professor at the Design School, Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE, and Professor of design at the Center for Advanced Studies of Recife, CESAR. He is the head of the Research Group on Innovation, Design and Sustainability. His research interests are Design for Sustainability, Service Design and Interaction Design.

Thursday, 07 March 2019 09:12

milan oral Pasqualina Sacco

Pasqualina Sacco obtained the degree in Environmental Sciences, with chemical-physical and modeling specialization, at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice and the Ph.D. in Agricultural Ecology at the University of Udine, with a research on assisted phytoextraction applied to soils contaminated by heavy metals. He has carried out post-graduate research as a visiting student, research fellow and teaching assistant at the Univesität für Bodenkultur in Vienna, the University of Udine and the University of Milan. Afterwards, he worked as a freelance consultant for universities and private companies in the use of ICT systems in agriculture and environment. He has participated in several national and European research projects, bringing his skills in systems analysis and modeling, system thinking, multicriteria analysis, design and prototyping of IT tools. He refined the skills of analyst and programmer, project manager and customer relationship (training and help desk) working for several years at a software development company. Since 2017 she is a scientific collaborator at Fraunhofer Italia, where she mainly deals with research and development, project management, innovation management, analysis, industry 4.0, precision agriculture and sustainability. She is coauthor of more than 50 printed works, presented in specialized magazines and congresses.

Oral Presentations:

Farm Ontology: a System Thinking approach for planning and monitoring farm activities

Tuesday, 05 March 2019 15:20

milan oral Martina Rossi

Phd candidate and teaching assistant, she is a Service Designer that focuses her research and activity on Co-Design processes, Participatory Design, Design Thinking and Scenario Building. She is member of POLIMI DESIS Lab within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano where she is developing her doctoral research on the impact of Design Thinking within the private sector, specifically focusing on relevant features for the human resource departments. She is active in engaging the Service Design community in a discussion about the discipline therefore she co-organizes the Service Design Drinks Milan.

Oral Presentations:

Design for social innovation within a vulnerable group. Lessons learnt from the experimentation ViviCalusca in Italy.

Tuesday, 05 March 2019 15:19

milan oral Daniela Selloni

Daniela Selloni is a Service Designer, Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano, where she teaches the Master’s Degree in Product Service Systems Design.

She is member of POLIMI DESIS Lab within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano, where she works in international and Italian research programmes. Her research interests cover service design and social innovation, focusing on citizen activism, methods and tools for co-design, public services, design for democracy, sharing economy. She is the author of “CoDesign For Public-Interest Services” and “Massive Codesign”.

Oral Presentations:

Design for social innovation within a vulnerable group. Lessons learnt from the experimentation ViviCalusca in Italy.

Tuesday, 05 March 2019 14:54

mexico keynote Julio Frías Peña

Julio Frías Peña, Graphic Communicator form the ENAP now FAD. He obtained his PH.D. in the area of innovation at Nottingham University in England. During his stay in that country he researched about innovation in products and services at the University of Cambridge and in the summer of 2005, due to the importance of his doctoral research he received a scholarship from the Sloan School of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) . He completed his Masters in Design at Tama Bijutsu Daigaku in Tokyo Japan, and a specialty at Tokyo Zokei Daigaku. In 2015 he was recognized for a research stay at the Design Center of Stanford University. It has a published book, several book chapters and more than fifty refereed, disseminated and indexed articles. He has won the A! Prize and the Quorum prize, as well as collaborating within the design teams that won the Good Design Award. His PhD thesis was selected among the best PhD theses in England. He has been a guest member of the Intersectorial Committee for Innovation of the Federal Government. He was a member of the editorial board of the FAD-UNAM and editorial adviser of the newspaper Reforma. He is a professor of Strategic Design in the postgraduate course in Arts and Design, as well as in the Master's Degree in Industrial Design, both graduate programs from the UNAM. He is currently the Postgraduate Coordinator of Arts and Design and President of the National Design Award: Diseña México, formerly the Quorum Prize.

His research lines are: strategic design, entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainable development, education for design and design policies.