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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Friday, 22 March 2019 15:11

beijing poster Xile Wang

The author is from Huayaohua Studio, School of Design, Hunan University. The studio is dedicated to Rural Revitalization and regional cultural protection. In 2013, Hunan University established a non-heritage cultural protection base in Baishuidong Village, Longhui County, Hunan Province. Huayaohua Studio participated in the revitalization of the local countryside by means of collaborative design, improved the local economic income, and expanded the cultural influence of local traditional handicraft, which helped the inheritance and development of traditional handicraft.

Combining educational games with cultural heritage is one of the important topics of studio projects. The studio is committed to promoting the cultural identity and cultural self-confidence of rural children and exploring more new ways for rural children to inherit traditional crafts.The project is funded by the Department of Development Planning, Ministry of Education

P.R.C, under project No. (2017)304; Qipai Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Research Fund, Academy of Arts &Design, Tsinghua University, under project No. (2015)05.

ID Number:412724199405024181




Over the past two hundred years of the human industrial revolution, we have created an unimaginable material world and have achieved a brilliant success. But at the same time, we are consuming the resources of the earth. Because of the wide use of plastic materials since the 1950s, man-made and synthetic materials occupy a dominant position in the design and product areas. The continuous development and use of materials is like a double-edged sword, which leads us to prosperity and destruction.

Take “Reconstituting-Plan” project of the team as an example to discuss the reorganization and redesign of materials. Rethink people's habits of creating and using materials and  try to turn existing waste into raw materials. On the one hand, this project actively turn rubbish into new products; on the other hand, it try to make Bio Plastic using new formula and kitchen waste. The overall method and model are introduced, compare the performance characteristics of new materials and traditional materials through material recombination, remade, analysis and comparison  designing experiments.

Materials are the foundation of design creation and the key to achieve ecological product design. Ecological and sustainable product design is inseparable from the design of ecological materials and interdisciplinary cooperation.

Authors: Jiajia Song

Friday, 22 March 2019 15:05

beijing poster Hu Yuan

He has a master's degree in medicine and now works as an attending physician in the Endocrinology Department of the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Wuxi Hospital, and is the founder of NGO l‘i-love-future’public welfare organization.

He is dedicated to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases (3 medical projects in provincial and municipal level and 5 professional papers in core journals). The establishment of ‘i-love-future’public welfare  organization involves various social public welfare projects such as helping the disabled, helping to help the environmental protection, and so on (more than 30,000 person-times a year for specific people and 2 projects for undertaking public welfare venture capital projects at the municipal level)

Oral Presentations:

Product-service system design of household medical waste management for diabetics

Friday, 22 March 2019 15:03

beijing poster Xiao Dongjuan

She received a Ph.D. in Industrial Design Engineering from Delft University of Technology. Now she is the coordinator of design and research for healthcare team in school of design. Her research expertise is product design and ergonomics, product service system design, interaction and experience design. Her research is mainly focused on design for healthcare. She has been presided several projects which were supported by company and government funding. In 2015, she completed the Philips project "chronic disease user research in China". And she has been published SCI papers and a number of journals and conference papers. She presided over the project "Design for healthcare in the context of digital social innovation", which was supported by 2015 doctoral talent program of Jiangsu Province. Now she is carrying research on interaction and experience strategy of intelligent and fitness products for elderly people in the "Internet plus" era.

Oral Presentations:

Product-service system design of household medical waste management for diabetics

Friday, 22 March 2019 15:02

beijing poster Zhang Yiting

She is a Master's student in industrial design engineering at Jiangnan University and currently studies service design and social innovation in the field of positive welfare.She has obtained a bachelor's degree in the Industrial Design Institute of the Nanjing University of Art, and studied the product design.She has extensive experience in product design, interactive design and service design, and has won two patents for utility models and several design awards.She has participated in a number of collaborative projects, including Colgate Campus Design Project, Tan Carpenter Design R & D Project, Wuxi KEYIHUI Society Public Service Project, Hotel New Retail Design Project and etc.

Oral Presentations: 

Product-service system design of household medical waste management for diabetics

Friday, 22 March 2019 14:58

beijing poster Luo Yuqing

Luo Yuqing is a master's degree student of design in School of Art and Design, Beijing Institute of Technology. She graduated from the Department of Industrial Design, School of Art and Design, Beijing  Institute of Technology. The core of her research is design education and design theory. Her dream is to become a qualified design professional teacher. For sustainable design, she thinks it is the inevitable trend of the times. As a designer, we should help people understand and accept the concept of sustainable design through good design.


Business Model Design Based on the Concept of Sustainable Development——A Service Design of the Physical Idle Mall as an Example

Friday, 22 March 2019 14:52

beijing oral Tan Changliang

His name is Tan Changliang. He received his bachelor degree and master degree from Jiangnan University of China in 2003, 2011. Since 2003, He has been a faculty member as a Teaching Assistant , Lecturer. Currently, he is a PhD. Candidate of Tsinghua University of China. He has been doing researches on the problems of ecological aesthetic in design.

Oral Presentations:

The Ecological Aesthetic Connotations in Chinese Traditional Environment Construction Skills

Friday, 22 March 2019 14:49

beijing oral Liu Tingting

Liu Tingting is as an associate professor and postgraduate tutor in School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology, China, as well as the deputy director of the Sustainable Design and Innovative Engineering Research Center of Guangdong Province. Previously she was a visiting scholar funded by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) in USCD with Mary Lindenstein Walshok (Ph.D., associate vice chancellor for Public Programs, dean of University Extension) as her host professor.

She has presided over several projects such as projects under the Humanity and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education, open projects sponsored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other enterprise-funded projects. She has published several CSSCI journal papers and won more than 10 awards in teaching, research and design. Under her guidance, the students she tutors has successfully finished several National College Students’ innovation and entrepreneurship training programs and won more than 30 professional design awards.

Oral Presentations: 

The Pattern and Methods Concerning the Micro-renewal of the Urban Environment

Micro-renewal in historic districts is a small-scale, low-cost and short-cycle urban renewal mechanism which is oriented towards a limited number of people and relatively easy to be carried out. It is an exploratory experiment for cities in China as they are experiencing great transformation. The purpose of Micro-renewal is to make “micro changes” in citizens’ ways of living, promote society-based participatory design and cultivate their awareness to participate in urban design.

Micro-renewal changes a city from the micro perspective just like re-creating a living creature right from its cells. With macroscopic control and intervention by the authorities, higher education institutions and design institutes can find pieces of small renovatable land in historic districts to launch some pilot projects. In these projects, local people can witness that incongruous buildings begin to blend in their life again after reconstruction, and local government can see new possibilities of how to renovate historic districts.

Authors: Liu Tingting

Friday, 22 March 2019 14:45

beijing oral Ding Yang

Yi people,come from Liangshan ,has won the national scholarship, Sichuan Province outstanding university students, Sichuan University outstanding graduate students and other titles. Graduated from the School of Art, Sichuan University, with a master's degree in industrial design, and a doctor's degree in furniture design and engineering, Beijing Forestry University. Her research direction is Yi-style furniture design, research, development and manufacture.

Participating in the project "Yi Xiang culture and creative community" won the excellent award of youth entrepreneurship competition in Chenghua District, Chengdu, the first prize of Sichuan University in 2018, and the bronze medal in Sichuan province.

Long-term focus on product design, service design and furniture design, has won the second prize of Sichuan Industrial Design Competition, red dot design awards and other design awards. Prepare to build  team, with the heart of craftsmen, do creative things, long-term commitment to the research and development of Yis Wenchuan products design, serve a number of local enterprises. I hope to use the modern design methods I have learned, combined with the traditional culture and crafts of my nation, to create more valuable products that can highlight the beauty of the Yi people, inherit, innovate and carry forward the national culture.

Oral Presentations:

The research of Yi Ethnicity furniture design based on architectural space