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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Thursday, 21 March 2019 16:28

milan oral Onur Demiroz

I studied and worked in Netherlands and Istanbul, TR. After early engineering years and all problem solving activity in information technologies, my path changed into industrial product design by providing a Msc. thesis on semantics and user perception in I.T.U. (Istanbul Technical University)

Later, I completed MSc. Integrated product design with a scholarship at TU Delft. International design practice followed by company collaborations and freelance projects. My work embraces design strategy and product & brand identity, ecodesign & sustainability, material selection and light-weight structures.

I’m teaching at department of Industrial Product Design in Beykent University and currently a Phd. candidate working on ecological materials and sustainability in Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts.

Oral Presentations:

Development and Proposition of a Tool to Evaluate the Ecological Identity of Products: Furniture Case

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 15:29

milan oral Francesca Casnati

Francesca Casnati is communication designer and research fellow at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. She graduated in communication design – master degree level - in 2016 at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on female representation and gender stereotypes in the media.

As Research Fellow she works on the European project “Life-TTGG” about sustainability, communication design model for packaging system design.In addition to her work as a research fellow, she works as teaching assistant on the “Communication Design  and Gender Culture” course in the Design Master Degree – School of Design, Politecnico di Milano - and on “Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale”course about communication design for welfare.

Oral Presentations:

The Contribution of Communication Design to Encourage Gender Equality

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 15:26

milan oral Valeria Bucchetti

Valeria Bucchetti is Associate Professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano where she teaches “Visual Communication” in the Communication Design Degree and “Communication Design  and Gender Culture” in the Design Master Degree (School of Design) and she is Chair BSc + MSc Communication Design.

She is communication designer, she graduated in Fine Arts, Music and Performing Arts at the University of Bologna (Italy) and she obtained her PhD in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano. She won the “Compasso d'Oro” Design Award as co-author of the project for the multimedia catalogue of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum (Milan, 1995). 

Her interest involves visual and gender identities in communication design field.  She studies theoretical aspects of identity systems and their communication components and developed projects of basic and applied research.  She is a member of the board of the Ph.D Design board and of “Centro di Ricerca interuniversitario Culture di genere”.

She is author of several books: La messa in scena del prodotto (1999), Packaging design. Storia, linguaggi, progetto (2005); she is editor of: Culture visive (2007), Altre figure. Intorno alle figure di argomentazione (2011), Anticorpi comunicativi. Progettare per la comunicazione di genere (2012), Design e dimensione di genere. Un campo di ricerca e riflessione tra culture del progetto e culture di genere (2015).

Oral Presentations:

The Contribution of Communication Design to Encourage Gender Equality

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 15:15

milan oral Simona Piccolella

Simona Piccolella, Dr. PhD, is a researcher in General and Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of “Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Science and Technologies” of the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli” (Caserta, Italy) since 2011. In 2010 she obtained a Ph.D. in "Resources and Environment" at the same University. Her research activity deals with the chemistry of bioactive natural products from medicinal and/or edible plants and fruits. The main topics are the structural characterization of plant secondary metabolites by mass spectrometry, the LC/MS-based metabolic profiling and the in vitro evaluation of antioxidant capacity, cytotoxic or chemopreventive and neuroprotective properties of natural products (phytocomplexes and pure compounds). At present, the scientific activity has been documented by 41 papers, published in peer-reviewed international journals, 2

Oral Presentations:

New sustainable cosmetic products from food waste: a joined-up approach between design and food chemistry

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 15:11

milan oral Severina Pacifico

Severina Pacifico is Associate Professor in Food Chemistry at the Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Science and Technologies of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Caserta, Italy). Since 2010 and up to 2018 she was a researcher in Organic Chemistry at the same University. Her research interest is in Food Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry fields. It primarily aims to the phytochemical study of food plants and their by-products and to the chemical characterization of secondary metabolites therein by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. The research activity is also turned to UHPLC-HRMS/MS metabolic profiling and fingerprinting of natural extracts, and to the evaluation of antioxidant, chemopreventive and neuroprotective properties of natural products. At present, Prof. Pacifico’s scientific activity has been documented by 100 papers, published in peer-reviewed international journals, 4 book chapters and several communications at national and international conferences.

Oral Presentations: 

New sustainable cosmetic products from food waste: a joined-up approach between design and food chemistry


Tuesday, 19 March 2019 14:57

milan oral Jomy Joseph

A doctoral design researcher at The Oslo school of Architecture and Design, currently exploring the intersection of climate change, long term sustainability, speculative futures and Industrial Design. As a "multi-modal" industrial designer from India, I am exploring sustainability through a way of imagining future visions that go beyond what business as usual is today, towards more “long term futures and sustainability”. This theme directly deals with how designers can imagine and create the future we wish to see in the here and now by envisioning radically sustainable futures through film, storytelling and designed artefacts for future foresight.

Oral Presentations:

Critical Futures Today: Back-casting speculative product design towards long-term sustainability

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 14:28

milan poster Paolo Marco Tamborrini

Architect, Designer and Associate Professor of Design.

Head of the Design School at Politecnico di Torino (Italia); founder and scientific responsible of Innovation Design Lab. ( Founder of Observatory of Eco-Pack (OEP).

From 2015 is Communication Workpackage Scientific Advisor of Polito GreenTeam and he working polytechnic delegate at the RUS education work table (Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - CRUI -

He has been coordinator of national and international projects, and team partner of many international projects. Editor about innovation design, eco-design and sustainability for the major design magazines.

He is author of “Design Sostenibile, oggetti, sistemi e comportamenti” (Sustainable Design, objects, systems and behaviors), Electa – Milano Italia, and of more than 100 publications (books, scientific articles, proceedings, …).


Sustainable Interaction for Mobility System

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 14:26

milan poster Andrea Di Salvo

Interaction designer, PhD in Production Systems and Design, currently Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino (Department of Architecture and Design). I deal with Interaction Design and User Experience, analysing aspects related to humans and their instinctive way of sampling and accumulating experiences. I play the viola, and it is relevant.


Sustainable Interaction for Mobility System

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 14:20

milan poster Andrea Arcoraci

Interaction designer, currently PhD student in Management, Production and Design at Politecnico di Torino. Member of OggiNext. I'm interested to investigate interdependent actions and reactions between a user and a system.


Sustainable Interaction for Mobility System

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 14:15

milan oral Anna Realini

Anna Realini holds a M.Sc. in Energy Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (2012). After working for four years in an Energy Company, she joined RSE as a researcher in Energy Efficiency group. Her current research interests focus on Energy Efficiency, especially in industrial and residential sectors. She is involved on Italian and EU-funded projects on these topics, among which ASSIST 2gether project, whose aim is to tackle energy poverty by increasing consumption awareness and triggering behaviour change in vulnerable consumers.

Oral Presentations:

Education strategies and behavioral actions to mitigate Energy Poverty