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milan oral Valeria Bucchetti

Valeria Bucchetti is Associate Professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano where she teaches “Visual Communication” in the Communication Design Degree and “Communication Design  and Gender Culture” in the Design Master Degree (School of Design) and she is Chair BSc + MSc Communication Design.

She is communication designer, she graduated in Fine Arts, Music and Performing Arts at the University of Bologna (Italy) and she obtained her PhD in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano. She won the “Compasso d'Oro” Design Award as co-author of the project for the multimedia catalogue of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum (Milan, 1995). 

Her interest involves visual and gender identities in communication design field.  She studies theoretical aspects of identity systems and their communication components and developed projects of basic and applied research.  She is a member of the board of the Ph.D Design board and of “Centro di Ricerca interuniversitario Culture di genere”.

She is author of several books: La messa in scena del prodotto (1999), Packaging design. Storia, linguaggi, progetto (2005); she is editor of: Culture visive (2007), Altre figure. Intorno alle figure di argomentazione (2011), Anticorpi comunicativi. Progettare per la comunicazione di genere (2012), Design e dimensione di genere. Un campo di ricerca e riflessione tra culture del progetto e culture di genere (2015).

Oral Presentations:

The Contribution of Communication Design to Encourage Gender Equality

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: es. Design Department, Politecnico di Milano

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