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milan oral Francesca Casnati

Francesca Casnati is communication designer and research fellow at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. She graduated in communication design – master degree level - in 2016 at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on female representation and gender stereotypes in the media.

As Research Fellow she works on the European project “Life-TTGG” about sustainability, communication design model for packaging system design.In addition to her work as a research fellow, she works as teaching assistant on the “Communication Design  and Gender Culture” course in the Design Master Degree – School of Design, Politecnico di Milano - and on “Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale”course about communication design for welfare.

Oral Presentations:

The Contribution of Communication Design to Encourage Gender Equality

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: es. Design Department, Politecnico di Milano

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