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milan oral Severina Pacifico

Severina Pacifico is Associate Professor in Food Chemistry at the Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Science and Technologies of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Caserta, Italy). Since 2010 and up to 2018 she was a researcher in Organic Chemistry at the same University. Her research interest is in Food Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry fields. It primarily aims to the phytochemical study of food plants and their by-products and to the chemical characterization of secondary metabolites therein by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. The research activity is also turned to UHPLC-HRMS/MS metabolic profiling and fingerprinting of natural extracts, and to the evaluation of antioxidant, chemopreventive and neuroprotective properties of natural products. At present, Prof. Pacifico’s scientific activity has been documented by 100 papers, published in peer-reviewed international journals, 4 book chapters and several communications at national and international conferences.

Oral Presentations: 

New sustainable cosmetic products from food waste: a joined-up approach between design and food chemistry


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