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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Authors: Emanuela Silveira and Aguinaldo Santos

Authors: Manuela Gortz, Alison Alfred Klein, Evelyne Pretti Rodrigues, Félix Varejão, Henrique Buzatto and Aguinaldo Santos

This review seeks to update our knowledge about the positive effects in the use of VR head-mounted displays (HMDs)
for immersive systems in the aid of human well-being and quality of life. Through a systematic Literature review
which includes all peer-reviewed research documents that are relevant to the objective to ensure a comprehensive
search. Four research databases were identified: (I) web of Science, (II) IEEEExplore, (III) ScienceDirect and (IV)
PubMed. Only primary empirical studies on the use of HMDs were included. The review identified a number of
situations where HMDs are useful for aid and improvements of the human well-being, rehabilitation, and improvement
in the quality of life, thus, contributing in the field of sustainability study. Although there are several studies,
more research is needed on the use of this technology within settings to ensure recommendations that can implement
the improvement of use for social sustainability and sustainable development.

Authors: Antonio Oliveira, Amilton Arruda, Lorena Melo and Isabela Moroni

This paper synthesises the main ideas presented as a keynote speech for the First World Distributed Conference
2019: Designing Sustainability for All. The objective is to contextualize Product-Service Systems and Distributed
Economies in the Brazilian and Latin American context from the perspective of sustainability. First, some initial reflections
and ideas about the perception we have regarding sustainability in today’s context are presented. We discuss
why our present production and consumption system remains unsustainable and why the paradigm of circular economy
still is challenging today. Then, the LeNSin Brazil Project is presented. To illustrate the project, case studies
were systematically collected and classified. As a conclusion, we point out that the development of s.PSS for the context
of DE is relatively recent field for design in Latin America and “classic” or “traditional” design methods do not
fit all the new the variables involved in this type of projects. Also, the lack of appropriate methods and tools opens a
new field of research for the creation of methodological models to support the design of S. PSS in specific contexts.
Finally, there is a (re)definition of the design process and designers need to improve their skills in order to better understand
how users’ needs can be met through intensive use of services and experiences.

Authors: Priscilla Ramalho Lepre, Thais Vieira and Leonardo Augusto Gomez Castillo

Authors: Aline Fonseca, Rita Engler, Mariana Laktim, Armindo Teodósio, Luiz Freitas and Travis Higgins

Authors: Gustavo Ribeiro Palma Nascimento, Victor José Dos Santos Baldan, Thales Martins Ponciano, Janaina M. H. Costa, Eduvaldo Paulo Sichieri and Javier Mazariegos Pablos

Friday, 29 March 2019 15:30

mexico oral Xin Wen

Xin WEN, Lecturer and Architect in Fine Art Academy of Beijing Film Academy. 2009 Graduated from Academy of Art and Design, Tsinghua University and get the degree of Master of Arts in Department of Environmental Art Design. The same year worked in department of environmental art design academy China architecture design and research group as an architect for 5 years. Released 10 papers about environmental art and design, architecture design and interior design realm and award several prize in national and company design competition. Now the major research realm is cultural and entertainment space design.

Oral Presentations: 

Research on the sustainable design of traditional architectural narrative culture of Beijing hutong blocks a case study of Nanluoguxiang Street

Friday, 29 March 2019 15:24

mexico oral Iskar Waluyo

I was born in Monterrey Nuevo León, Mexico on May 9, 1979 and for personal reasons I have had the fortune of living multi-cultural experiences in different parts of the world and working in different sectors. I worked in green area and urban tree analysis, maintenance and management projects with the government of San Pedro Cholula and with the Arboriculutre Laboratory in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. From 2012 to 2016 I worked in projects that allowed me to learn about food supply chains in Mexico. During this time, I became interested in urban agriculture, my current research interest. I am an Environmental Engineer and postgraduate student in Design and Urban Studies and Design program at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Since 2017, I have collaborated with Ambulare Comunidad Creativa and Huerto de las Niñas y de los Niños urban farm, organizing public space interventions and community outreach projects. Currently, I am researching the lived experiences in urban farms in Mexico City that I hope to expand to different cities.

Oral Presentations:

Characterization of two urban farms in the Cuauhtemoc borough of Mexico City

Friday, 29 March 2019 15:18

milan oral Berill Takacs

Berill is passionate about food, the environment and healthy living, and her mission is to help create a sustainable and healthy food system which operates safely and delightfully in the natural world without compromising the health and well-being of humans, other species, and our planet. She is currently pursuing her PhD at the Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience at the University College London. Her research focuses on developing a novel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based tool for catering to support the design of healthy and sustainable food systems. The tool will enable the catering sector to make informed decisions about menu design and be aware of how different types of meals impact both the environment and our health

Oral Presentations: 

Designing sustainable and healthy food systems through catering: the role of designers

Friday, 29 March 2019 15:12

milan oral Gabriela Fernandez

Fernandez is interested in urban metabolism ideologies, nature based technologies and material flow analysis of the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy. She is Co-founder of the Metabolism of Cities (www.metabolism of a non-profit organization which attempts to group together tools, data and research related to urban metabolism. She obtained her Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Design and Policy in the DAStU department at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Oral Presentations: 

Exploring Fog Harvesting in Europe: Characteristics and Guidelines For A Sustainable City Model