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mexico oral Iskar Waluyo

I was born in Monterrey Nuevo León, Mexico on May 9, 1979 and for personal reasons I have had the fortune of living multi-cultural experiences in different parts of the world and working in different sectors. I worked in green area and urban tree analysis, maintenance and management projects with the government of San Pedro Cholula and with the Arboriculutre Laboratory in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. From 2012 to 2016 I worked in projects that allowed me to learn about food supply chains in Mexico. During this time, I became interested in urban agriculture, my current research interest. I am an Environmental Engineer and postgraduate student in Design and Urban Studies and Design program at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Since 2017, I have collaborated with Ambulare Comunidad Creativa and Huerto de las Niñas y de los Niños urban farm, organizing public space interventions and community outreach projects. Currently, I am researching the lived experiences in urban farms in Mexico City that I hope to expand to different cities.

Oral Presentations:

Characterization of two urban farms in the Cuauhtemoc borough of Mexico City

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