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Circular Economy, Systemic Design and Social Development: guidelines for emerging economies

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This paper synthesises the main ideas presented as a keynote speech for the First World Distributed Conference
2019: Designing Sustainability for All. The objective is to contextualize Product-Service Systems and Distributed
Economies in the Brazilian and Latin American context from the perspective of sustainability. First, some initial reflections
and ideas about the perception we have regarding sustainability in today’s context are presented. We discuss
why our present production and consumption system remains unsustainable and why the paradigm of circular economy
still is challenging today. Then, the LeNSin Brazil Project is presented. To illustrate the project, case studies
were systematically collected and classified. As a conclusion, we point out that the development of s.PSS for the context
of DE is relatively recent field for design in Latin America and “classic” or “traditional” design methods do not
fit all the new the variables involved in this type of projects. Also, the lack of appropriate methods and tools opens a
new field of research for the creation of methodological models to support the design of S. PSS in specific contexts.
Finally, there is a (re)definition of the design process and designers need to improve their skills in order to better understand
how users’ needs can be met through intensive use of services and experiences.

Authors: Priscilla Ramalho Lepre, Thais Vieira and Leonardo Augusto Gomez Castillo

Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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