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Product-service system design of household medical waste management for diabetics

According to the data from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the prevalence of diabetes aged 18 and over is 9.7 percent, or nearly 100 million people in china.While the number of diabetic patients in China shows “explosive growth”,hundreds of millions ofhousehold medical waste are at risk of being discarded.At present, the whole society including patients, hospitals, medical products manufacturersand chinesegovernment hasnot attached great importance to this matter.

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the study of medical waste management for diabetic patients in family and community environment,and the practice of product-service system design based on a community in China, united families and related professional institutions.It is an exploration that scientific research working intendem with design practice.We carried out the study in a systematic way by using the method of product-service system design.During the course of study, different stakeholders fully showed their requirements and creativity in the form of co-creation

Authors: Yiting Zhang, Miaosen Gong, Dongjuan Xiao, Yuan Hu

Additional Info

  • Venue: China

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