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milan oral Emilio Rossi

Emilio Rossi is CEO at Emilio Rossi Design Consulting (Italy) and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design in the Department of Architecture at the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). 
He received a PhD in Industrial Design (Architecture and Urban Planning Program) (2014) and a Master in Architecture (2010) at University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy); he also obtained a Master in Euro-Project Management (2013) at Europa Cube Innovation Business School (Italy). In 2013, he was a Visiting Researcher at Brunel University London (UK). His research interests revolve around the areas of: 1) Design for Social Inclusion in new product development; 2) Sustainable Human Centred Design; 3) Development of new technologies, tools and methods for sharing know-how; 4) 3D Printing for product innovation. 
He is Co-Chair of the AHFE Affiliated Conference on Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Systems and 3D Prototyping and a Member of the IEA Technical Committee on Human Factors and Sustainable Development. Professionally, he works in the fields of new product development, design research and strategic innovation, with a focus on Sustainability and Social Inclusion.
Oral Presentations:

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: Emilio Rossi Design Conculting, Department of Architecture, University of Chieti-Pescara

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