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beijing oral Gao Bo

Dr. Gao Bo is the associate professor and master instructor of teaching and researching on service design, media and communication design, healthcare design, transition design in the College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University. Dr. Gao published numbers of academic papers in international design research and design education conferences, such as DRS/DMI/ CUMULUS,etc. Dr. Gao hosts the research projects, such as " The research of using the service design in the smart communities of changing urban of  China. " sponsored by the social science and humanity on Young Fund of the ministry of Education(14YJC760011)The research of " Using the service design to set up the innovative and entrepreneurial methods." Construction and Application demonstration of training system for College students' innovative and entrepreneurial methods, National Major Project, 2016, Ministry of Science and Technology. The research of "social innovation and service design” sponsored by Shanghai Summit Discipline in Design(DB17009).

Dr. Gao is also an active member of DRS(Design Research Society, UK),DMI(Design Management Institute, USA),DESIS China (a Network on Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability in China), LeNS -China (the Learning Network on Sustainability), and Shanghai Designers Association. 

Oral Presentations:

Designing for climate change for all——A Media and Communication Design course to increase public awareness

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