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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Service Design for sustainability requires an integrative intertwined approach for interventions addressing economic,
environmental, and social concerns. These design interventions are socio-technical in nature where human beings
play a crucial role. To contribute to the larger cause of sustainability, people may have to change their behaviour
according to a complex pattern: behaving in a desirable manner once, for a short duration and eventually sustaining
the behaviour for a long time. Inducing behaviour change in people often poses an ethical dilemma. Assuming that
services trigger new behaviours, designers need to achieve a delicate balance between the concerns of the service-user,
human-touchpoints (service staff ), service organization and the society or environment as a whole in order to foster
more sustainable habits. When designers attempt to address the concerns of all these four stakeholders represented
as the Empathy Square, it enables them to facilitate a balanced and ethically appropriate service design solution.

Authors: Ravi Mahamuni, Anna Meroni, Pramod Khambete and Ravi Mokashi Punekar

Authors: Sharmistha Banerjee

The challenges for small holding agriculture in India are quiet demotivating specially in the regions where education
and awareness level is low and poverty is high. One such region in India is Sundarbans, West Bengal. Therefore the
study was conducted with marginalised farmers of Sundarban. The study attempts to Explore different opportunities
and challenges related to livelihood and wellbeing among extremely marginalised farmers through organic farming
adoption. The study also identified different factors or categories realted to organic farming practice and evaluate
the relationship between them. The farmers and eco volenteers from an NGO were interviewed and Grounded
theory was applied to analyse the information. 42 items were itentified through Open coding , 7 categories evolved
through Axial coding . Organic Farming Adoption is identified as the core category through Selective coding.

Authors: Sanjukta Ghosh

Good livelihoods are a key component to providing adequate health, sustainable energy and satisfactory education
within communities. One approach to providing a means for an efficient system for rural communities in Kenya is
the uptake of bio-based economies. The research is a social change research guided by the transition theory. Anticipated
transitions of the transition theory are applied to understand the relationship of different social contexts within
communities and impacts of various roles. The qualitative study aims to map community member’s perceptions
of available resources and how resources could be used to improve livelihoods. Kenya’s rural areas are vastly distributed
hence rural communities in Murang’a County represent a viable sample with which to test a bio-based economy
approach. The study will contribute not only an understanding of hierarchies in roles within the process network,
but also provide socio-economic development hypothesis towards the successful adoption of bio-based economies.

Authors: Pauline N. Mutura, Dr. Wairimu Maina, Dr. Peter Kamau

A small piece of land outside the N4 campus of Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, was home to wilderness
and trash, when the Masters students of Information arts and Information design practices (IAIDP) and
Earth Education and Communication (EEC), as a part of School of Law Environment and Planning at Srishti Institute
of Art, Design and Technology, decided to build a new ecosystem which could be used by the community
next to this piece of land. This project, named Mati, emerged out of this idea of converting the piece of wasteland
into a community garden with the vision of bringing the neighbourhood together. The project was initiated by
the 2nd year students of the course with a two- week workshop asking how institutions could find ways to look at
sustainability and community engagement while engaging hands on with a project like this. It was taken further, as
a transdisciplinary unit for the 1st year masters students to continue the questions of sustainability through urban
wasteland regeneration and reclamation.

Authors: Srishti Srivastava, Shivangi Pant, Sahil Raina

This paper presents a strategic analysis tools that can help a designer in Sustainable Product-Service System Design
with an intervention focus on Socio-Economic Ecosystems (SEE) that seem typical of multi-cultural and diverse
communities engaged in distributed economic activities. The research questions for this paper are:
1. To what extent the MSDS (Methodology for System Design for Sustainability) is applicable for design of
S.PSS for SEE?
2. What could be a possible sustainability-orienting design approach for S.PSS in the context of SEE, which
caters to its unique nature?
Using Design Science Research Methodology, we redesigned the strategic analysis part of MSDS. The redesigned
strategic analysis consists of various tools suited for design of S.PSS in the context of SEE. The proposed
tools are for identifying the actors and their activities in the ecosystem; understanding the infrastructure and needs
of the actors; clarifying the goal, problem statement definition, design brief and unit of satisfaction using participatory
method; and, finally for competitor analysis.

Authors: Sharmistha Banerjee, Pankaj Upadhyay and Ravi Mokashi Punekar

Asian Tiger economies grew on the “consumption = development” paradigm. However this leads to development
that is not sustainable environmentally and economically as evidenced by rising environmental degradation and
inequality. We need a new paradigm of Conscious consumption that can lead to sustainable development. In the
emerging economies of the world, most workers do not earn enough to consume the goods they produce. Can producers
making sustainably sound goods, earn enough to be the next wave of consumers who are conscious in their
consumption habits and create a virtuous production-consumption cycle that is sustainable by its very nature? There
is a case therefore, to build an ecosystem known as the “6C Model “that enables these producers to be consumers
next. Mobile technology allows for distributed manufacture and design at a global scale with the so far ignored informal
sector being at the forefront of sustainable development.

Authors:Jacob Mathew, Fayiqa Halim

Walking is a popular transport means for seniors doing daily errands, and pedestrian pavements play a key role in
influencing the quality of older people’s walking. Walking experience of older pedestrians and their perspectives to
the outdoor environment are crucial in planning and designing pavements. However, their walking experience and
perspective on the pavement are less involved in the process of urban development. A participatory toolkit is created
providing a chance for older people to share their walking experience and to indicate their opinions of the pavement
in a group study conducted by researchers who develop the pedestrian environment. The tool allows users to identify
hazardous factors of the pavement, seek the impact of pavement hazards, and improve the pavement using recommendations.
Based on the outputs of the toolkit, the researchers can have a better understanding of the relationship
between pavements and elderly people and create an age-friendly pedestrian environment.

Authors: Lulu Yin, Eujin Pei

Peoples’ behaviours are projection of their experiences in everyday life. Mental adaptation of rapid changing environment
results in subconscious stress. This has become one of the major concerns in current developing urban
contexts. Well planned architectural elements contribute significantly to environment influences well being and
sustainable behaviour. Religious buildings are apt cases of those environments designed for human mind and higher
spirituality. Study mapped human behaviours in three different religious buildings, i.e., mosque, temple and church
located in Bhopal city of India. It compares the conscious and subconscious behaviour of visitors based on common
parameters mapping of movement patterns, sitting angles and resting points in religious premises. These behaviour
patterns analyze with sensory perception of those design elements and principles which provoked the same common
to all case studies. Study discusses impact of design elements on user mind and their effect on sustainable behaviour
and well-being.

Author: Ashish Saxena

Popular narratives on sustainable development of transport infrastructure focus predominantly on how successfully designed
transit stops are an important tool to improve social inclusion and urban mobility. This approach to sustainable
development treats social inclusion as a consequence of sustainable development and looks at social inclusion as a rights
issue, where everyone irrespective of gender, age, disability etc. has a right to public transport facilities. This paper proposes
an alternative way of understanding social inclusion with respect to sustainability. Rather than treating inclusion as a consequence
of sustainable development, it seeks to position inclusive approaches in spatial design as pathways and enablers
of more sustainable cities in the global south. This approach also presents social inclusion as an opportunity-provider for
sustainability as opposed to popular narratives that present it as an opportunity created by sustainable development.
Through the context of the Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) stations in Chennai, the paper shall address this
method in two parts -
1) Through existing narratives of social exclusion while navigating through a Chennai MRTS station - The space is
dissected and examined to elucidate its contribution to social exclusion of people with different identities, in its socio-economic
and political context. The resultant exclusion discourages them from using particular modes of public transport.
2) Establishing connections between the discussed social exclusion and overall usage of public transport in a city.
This is followed by a brief discussion on how eliminating this exclusion can lead to increased sustainability.

Authors: Lakshmi S