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Empathy Square: An Aid for Service Design for Behaviour Change to Support Sustainability

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Service Design for sustainability requires an integrative intertwined approach for interventions addressing economic,
environmental, and social concerns. These design interventions are socio-technical in nature where human beings
play a crucial role. To contribute to the larger cause of sustainability, people may have to change their behaviour
according to a complex pattern: behaving in a desirable manner once, for a short duration and eventually sustaining
the behaviour for a long time. Inducing behaviour change in people often poses an ethical dilemma. Assuming that
services trigger new behaviours, designers need to achieve a delicate balance between the concerns of the service-user,
human-touchpoints (service staff ), service organization and the society or environment as a whole in order to foster
more sustainable habits. When designers attempt to address the concerns of all these four stakeholders represented
as the Empathy Square, it enables them to facilitate a balanced and ethically appropriate service design solution.

Authors: Ravi Mahamuni, Anna Meroni, Pramod Khambete and Ravi Mokashi Punekar

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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