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Religious Buildings and Sustainable Behaviour: Understanding Impact of Design Elements on Human Behaviour

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Peoples’ behaviours are projection of their experiences in everyday life. Mental adaptation of rapid changing environment
results in subconscious stress. This has become one of the major concerns in current developing urban
contexts. Well planned architectural elements contribute significantly to environment influences well being and
sustainable behaviour. Religious buildings are apt cases of those environments designed for human mind and higher
spirituality. Study mapped human behaviours in three different religious buildings, i.e., mosque, temple and church
located in Bhopal city of India. It compares the conscious and subconscious behaviour of visitors based on common
parameters mapping of movement patterns, sitting angles and resting points in religious premises. These behaviour
patterns analyze with sensory perception of those design elements and principles which provoked the same common
to all case studies. Study discusses impact of design elements on user mind and their effect on sustainable behaviour
and well-being.

Author: Ashish Saxena

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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