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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Authors: Thamyres Oliveira Clementino; Amilton Arruda e Itamar Ferreira

The education for sustainability in design should be approached from the knowledge of global methods but taking
into account the contextualization of the tools and not the simple translation and use of methods developed outside
Colombia, using tools that connect with students and new ways of learning and facilitating the teacher the dissemination
of knowledge in a structured and concrete way. The (DSxC) aims to develop this support, always focusing
on the context and facilitate the student to understand and apply sustainable strategies to the development of their
projects in classroom.

Authors: Adolfo Vargas, Nataly Guataquira, Daniel Alvarez Quintero, Ricardo Rugeles

Nowadays an increasing number of people spend a lot of their time in indoor spaces and the global market for Heating,
Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is increasing very quickly to improve the indoor air quality and the
thermal comfort. The International Energy Agency assesses that almost the 20% of global energy consumption is
addressed to mechanical air conditioning. The use of local resources and the rediscovery opportunities given by passive
cooing and ventilation systems may suggest interesting ways to provide benefits for humans and to reduce environmental
footprint. The paper focuses on the application of wind-catcher system in a modern public school in the
city of Yazd (Iran), in a hot and arid climate zone. Opportunities and benefits are discussed to evaluate the efficiency
of the redesign of the traditional wind-catcher and its integration in new modern buildings.

Authors: Laura Dominici, Elena Comino, Sanam Shivari Sanam Ilkhanlar and Sara Etminan

Monday, 01 April 2019 15:30

Community Design from Urban Gardens

Authors: Gloria Matiella

Over this century we continue to look for the ideal conditions to generate sustainable ways of education. Many of
the significant actions lie the ways in how education relates to design and ecology. The new way of ecological design
thinking here proposed constitutes three fundamental aspects: reconnecting with nature, rediscovering nature and
reflecting on the ways in which we forecast our designs. The Symbiotic Design Practice provides a flexible integral
methodological framework for configuring teaching-learning elements that approach the new ecological profile that
the designer should have.

Authors: David Sánchez Ruano 

Food is part of daily life and central to public health, economy, social relationships and well-being, therefore the
sustainable food systems are fundamental to the stability of society. However, there are growing concerns in current
food systems toward food security, environmental degradation and other food related problems. In response, food
literacy education paves the way for broad participation in alternative food movements addressing unsustainability.
Focusing upon food literacy education, this paper attempts to discuss the roles of it in alternative food movements
which potentially have the educative value that transform individuals’ environmental concerns, pursue fair food and
reshape market relationship, and motivate the reconnection in alternative food networks. Evidence for the research
comes from participant observation and document analysis in China.

Authors: Yanxia Li

The case study presented in this paper, envisions a student project, which was undertaken at the “Design” bachelor
program (also known as “Integral Design”) at UAM University. The main focus of the project involved the way in
which design can help promote reading, through the particular case of the Bookclub Network in Mexico City, a
heterogeneous group of spaces led by community work that has proven its relevance for 20 years, despite losing all
support from the government. The methodological approach of the project supposed a paradigmatic shift regarding
conventional practices, in order to avoid an “Integral Design” through the addition of particular design practices, so
that a better articulation could be reached by means of an interdisciplinary systemic design that could also unravel a
complex problem under the vision of sustainability.

Authors:  Brenda Garcia y Leonel Sagahon

Authors: Fernando Rafael Calzadilla Sánchez