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Introducing Systemic Solutions for Sustainability at the Design Courses in UAM Cuajimalpa. Study Case: Book Club in Mexico City

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The case study presented in this paper, envisions a student project, which was undertaken at the “Design” bachelor
program (also known as “Integral Design”) at UAM University. The main focus of the project involved the way in
which design can help promote reading, through the particular case of the Bookclub Network in Mexico City, a
heterogeneous group of spaces led by community work that has proven its relevance for 20 years, despite losing all
support from the government. The methodological approach of the project supposed a paradigmatic shift regarding
conventional practices, in order to avoid an “Integral Design” through the addition of particular design practices, so
that a better articulation could be reached by means of an interdisciplinary systemic design that could also unravel a
complex problem under the vision of sustainability.

Authors:  Brenda Garcia y Leonel Sagahon

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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