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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Competitiveness of the office furniture industry on the global market is strongly affected by an ever-increasing focus
on environmental performance of products. Hence, verifiable information of the environmental compliance of
products throughout their whole life cycle is demanded from stakeholders of the furniture industry, which needs to
be based on scientific proposition. This paper investigates how to support companies in designing environmentally
sustainable office furniture, considering all phases of the life cycle. It deals with the identification of the environmental
profile and main environmental impact potential of the office furniture product group aiming to develop an
instrument which orients towards sustainable design.
A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been conducted to evaluate the environmental profile of five different
office furniture product categories. Data drawn from publicly available Environmental Product Declarations have
been evaluated with the software programme SimaPro. Furthermore, a system to prioritise Life Cycle Design (LCD)
strategies for environmental sustainability has been adopted and a workshop for generating ideas for an LCD tool
related to the design of office furniture has been carried out.
An important factor is that the majority of environmental burdens is significantly linked to the pre-production
stage which implies that environmental impacts related to the furniture derive mostly from raw materials extraction
and its processing. The final outcome of the research is a handbook and a tool with product type specific guidelines
which assists in the product design process and addresses companies, i.e. engineers and designers.

Authors: Lena Plaschke, Carlo Arnaldo Vezzoli and Francesco Scullica

With the rapid development of Chinese cities and the increase of hardstand areas, the existing urban residential
communities are faced with serious problems such as flood disaster and water pollution, the engineering measures
adopted in China in the past are to the disadvantage of environmental protection and sustainable development of
ecology. By consulting relevant documents and combining with practical cases, taking the existing communities in
Qian’an City of China as an example, analysis the problems of existing communities with current situation. Starting
from the perspective of the landscape and using the technical measures of the Sponge City to carry out the landscape
renovation design, this thesis puts forward the sustainable design strategy of landscape in the existing urban residential
communities. In order to provide reference for landscape reconstruction design of other cities in the north of
China, and furthermore, to promote the sustainable development of the whole social environment.

Authors: Gao Di

Since the 1990s, all trades has been connected with Internet. Many furniture companies are transforming from traditional
pattern to e-commerce. Linshimuye is the most representative furniture e-commerce company in China.
The article will take Linshimuye as a case.
ICS for Furniture E-commerce(ICSFE)is a localization tool evolved from ICS toolkit, which is developed
and adopted by DIS- Polimi. It considers Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)as main analytical method and the data
comes from Expert Grading Method. The tool will calculate data through its program automatically. Then the users
can get a result, and the tool will give recommendations accordingly. The tool can provide some advice on the improvement
of furniture e-commerce in China. And it will be improved based on the feedback.

Authors: Chuyao Zhou, Fang Liu, Suqin Tan, Shaohua Han and Tianwei Sun

The paper describes the state of progress of the LIFE The Tough Get Going (LIFE TTGG) project (funded by the
European Union). The authors aim to improve the entire life cycle efficiency of European Protected Designation
of Origin (PDO) cheeses by designing and developing software, that will work as Environmental Decision Support
System for the environmental footprint assessment (in compliance with PEF methodology promoted by European
Commission) and its reduction. The software has been calibrating and validating on the companies of the Grana
Padano and Comté cheese supply chains (100 farms, 34 dairies, and 19 packers).
In this article, the environmental impact of 10g dry matter of Grana Padano PDO cheese was evaluated,
through 3 different impact categories: Climate Change, Acidification, and Mineral Fossil & Ren Resource Depletion.
Two emission mitigation scenarios were considered: reduction of energy consumption in the dairy processing
phase and environmental packaging optimization.

Authors: Jacopo Famiglietti, Pieter R.

When confronted with the problems of contemporaneity, designers often tend to use their own creativity as an
answer to a specific need, maintaining divided design fields and methods, this leads to a lack of attention to actual
society problems and goals, which have already been defined and highlighted from UN – with the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals – and from the theoreticians of the industry 4.0.
The research method proposes the convergence between innovative production technology – such as open
technologies – and different design approach, the parametric one and the participatory one, because their hybridization
could lead to the design of artifacts through a unique system and, as well, customized on the need of each user
emerged through the participation of the same.
It is clear that a convergence like this will have an important impact on the society, thanks to the attention on
sustainability, inclusivity and iterability, of the process and products.

Authors: Roberta Angari, Gabriele Pontillo

Through analyzing the process of design and research in the children’s furniture work, “Accompany”, the paper explores
the relationship between the behavior of children aged 3-12 and their furnitures, and proposes the concept of
“sustainability” in children’s furniture design, which is proposed to be “growing up” along with the growth of children.
The “Accompany” is assembled by the limited number of standard wooden parts and hardware, and able to be
re-assembled to the new furnitures by choosing the different combinations of the standard parts and fittings. This
design fits the characteristics and behaviors of children in their fast growing period of time. “Accompany” provides
the sustainable usages to meet the demands of rapid growth of children.

Authors: Xiang Wang, Lulu Chai and Ren Fu

The purpose of this collaboration is to offer elements for discussion on the role of intersections among art, design, and
technology in the socialization of environment problematic. To do it concretely, it is appealed the case of an interactive
piece called trasTocar (to disrupt) exhibited in Zanbatha, the municipal museum in the inner state of México.
The exposure scheme starts with the environmental situation addressed, particularly from the Anthropocene
Crutzen´s concept, to engage it with the pollution in the wetlands of the natural federal reserve next to the Lerma
river´s in Toluca Valley. Later, it is described the interactive object proposal based on cybernetic Lotman´s communication
theory which under the premise that human beings alter their environment use the digital art medium to
participate in a dialogue through interaction. Finally, the results are shown.

Authors: Ana Carolina Robles, Rodrigo Rosales

Since its foundation, the “School of Architecture and Design of Unicam” has been characterised by a particular
sensitivity towards the environmental character of the project. This allowed the development of specific skills in the
field of environmental sustainability, which led, in 2013, to the foundation of the spin-off “EcodesignLab srl”. Its
mission is to increase the capacity for innovation, and the competitiveness of companies in the direction of environmental
sustainability, through the application of the criteria and methodologies that characterize the design for
sustainability. The results of these five years of activity are represented by the development of new eco-innovative
product concepts for small and medium-sized companies belonging to different business areas. The paper present,
through the case studies developed by the spin-off, the methodologies, the good practices but also the difficulties of
the commercial implementation of design for environmental sustainability within the national industrial network.

Authors: Jacopo Mascitti, Daniele Galloppo

Authors: Gabriela Sandoval Andrade