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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Tuesday, 02 April 2019 07:37

#Ecoteracy:Potencial role of design

Authors: Nina Costa, Alexandra Duborjal Cabral, Andreia Duborjal Cabral, Cristóvão Gonçalves, Adriana Duarte, Dânia Ascenção, Isabel Vasconcelos

It is undoubtedly impossible to discuss sustainable design without taking into account the tempting world of
consumption and the desire for variety and new products. In this study, by collecting data from observations, it
is attempted to first investigate the challenge of “citizens as consumers” and then study into the places which are
specially designed for the use and benefit of the upper-class citizens. In the current study which has a minimalistic
approach, we researchers try to suggest a sustainable model for urban design and even lifestyle to minimize objectification
of urban spaces and to present a prototype of future cities.

Authors: Azadeh Razzagh Shoar, Hassan Sadeghi Naeini

Between 2014 and 2016, a pilot project was executed to promote energy efficiency through the NAMA housing
retrofit. This project was carried out between the Mexican government and the German Cooperation for Sustainable
Development (GIZ). in Mexico. The exercise served to propose specific approaches for certain groups of the population,
by using energy efficiency to improve the conditions of Mexican families and showed the co-benefits that can
be obtained from monitoring awareness and communication activities. on climate change and saving energy and
water. The results of this pilot have served to verify that gender inequality in housing can be reduced by proposing
affirmative actions to vulnerable groups by providing access to information and technical assistance for the improvement
of their homes through energy efficiency.

Authors: Anahí Ramírez Ortiz

Our food system is responsible for some of the world’s greatest environmental and societal challenges from climate
change to chronic diseases linked with global dietary transition. As the trend of eating out increases, catering has a
great potential to lead the transition toward more sustainable food systems. As professionals, designers involved in
food service systems design and menu planning not only have to consider environmental impacts through Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) but also have to consider the health impacts of different types of meals. Dietary guidelines may
be used for this purpose, however, relying solely on them to compliment LCA will not lead to menu offers with the
least environmental impact and the greatest health benefits. As individuals, designers may also choose to facilitate
the transition toward more sustainable food system by acting as role models and consuming less animal-based meals
both at home and at work.

Authors: Berill Tacaks

In recent decades, hundreds of master-planned KDTMs (new urban areas) have developed on the urban fringes of
expanding cities in Vietnam. They are promoted as a new urban planning concept in the post-reform policies. The
governments are very proud of this model as it has solved the problems of housing production and housing supply
simultaneously, and at the same time, improving the quality of life, well-managing urban space development, changing
the face of the city, attracting investment capital. As a key tool in the housing and urban space development of
Hanoi - “from zero to hero” - these projects show the ambition to transform the greenfields to animated KDTMs.
Based on the results of the survey on KDTMs in Hanoi, this article discusses the KDTMs’ planning concepts, developing
the methods to transform KDTMs into attractive and livable residential neighborhoods, moving toward the
sustainable operation of the KDTM model.

Authors: Minh Tung Tran, Ngoc Huyen Chu, Thuy Linh Pham

This paper presents a set of Life Cycle Design (LCD) guidelines to operatively support fashion companies to design
low-environmental impact cloth. The LCD guidelines for environmentally sustainable clothing care systems has
been developed with the following process adopted since several years in company/organization consultancy by the
LeNSlab of Politecnico di Milano: desk research of the fashion system and its environmental impacts and sustainable
best practices analysis; identification of the environmental design strategy priorities; definition of cloth-specific
guidelines. i.e. a process of specifying the general LCD strategies: material minimization, energy minimization,
non-toxic harmful resources selection, renewable and biocompatible resources selection, product life optimization,
material life extension, design for disassembly; tool development both as a handbook and a digital tool. The result is
both an open access handbook and a digital tool of LCD clothing care guidelines and checklist to support and orientate
the future designers and companies to an environmentally sustainable design of clothing for fashion.

Authors: Diana Giannone, Carlo Vezzoli, Giovanni Maria Conti

Sharing behaviour patterns have inspired and have been formalized into different service systems and these sharing
systems have gained attention recently. With the rise of (Information and communications technologies) ICTs and
peer to peer (P2P) services enabling collaborative consumption have been supported with more developed web sites
and easy to use mobile applications.
Since Turkey has uniquely rich and multifaceted cultural heritage flourishing from many different traditions,
“sharing” in different cases is one of these oldest rituals embedded in Turkish cultural DNA. This habitude has been
turned into product sharing systems where members share their underused belongings with other members. This
paper specifically focuses on a product sharing initiative in Turkey (Library of Stuff ) as a single case to examine its
infrastructure, its design, strengths and weaknesses.

Authors: Can Uçkan Yüksel & Çipdem Kaya Pazarbaşı

Poverty is still a difficult problem in the development of rural China. Rural tourism is experiencing a rapid development.
Excessive commercial tourism development by external intervention, or unorganized spontaneous renewal
of villagers, and even closed protection can not correctly protect the sustainable development of village ecology,
culture and economy. This paper analyzes the design elements of traditional village tourism service system from
space, function and experience. And summarizes the principal contradiction between local revitalization and external
intervention from the perspectives of pattern, industry and culture. It is necessary to integrate local and external
resources,and emphasizes external assistance.

Authors: Yiting Zhao and Jun Zhang