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milan maria isabel

milan maria isabel

Increasing population in urban areas has put up additional pressure on urban and city resources. Housing, being in
one of the three basic amenities required for human survival, is the worst hit. Widening income disparity, lack of
space, and costly construction has added to the misery. This has become a worldwide phenomenon and is posing
challenges to Indian cities as well. To bridge this gap between need and fulfillment, can architecture be considered as
a service? rather than an end product; for those who need it severely and doesn’t have capacity. A possibility is being
explored to how the same can be planned? The paper tries to find out an opportunity to consider architecture as a
service and plan micro habitats in the urban areas as an extension to the existing infrastructure.

Authors: Shiva Ji,  Ravi Mokashi Punekar

The e-commerce is a fast-growing sector, which has substantial impacts due to delocalisation, cost-effectiveness,
rapidity and availability anywhere at any time. It implies not only a different logistic organisation but requires a radically
different interaction between sellers and customers. This research aims at applying the concepts of local and
sustainable development to the world of e-commerce, with particular attention to the role of packaging. The topic
has been explored at two design levels: first, the methodology of Systemic Design was used to define innovative future
scenarios for the logistic management of the e-commerce system; secondly, different eco-design methodologies
have been used to focus on the development of packaging for different scenarios. The analysis allowed to establish
the main guidelines for the definition of futuristic sustainable scenarios of logistics. Starting from these, six main
trends for designing sustainable packaging have been identified and tested through real concepts.

Authors: Amina Pereno, Silvia Barbero

In this paper, we discuss the potential of an emerging form of sustainable design product as a solution to the space
constraint problems caused by bulky furnitures. This study presents how students perceive the interior design from
convenience and usability aspect for efficient space management. A quantitative research method was chosen to conduct
a survey to execute the data analysis. Based on the results delivered from the survey, a series of interviews were
scheduled with hostel authorities, architects, material vendors, and carpenters. A detailed analysis was conducted on
the re-usability of materials from existing furniture with the addition of sustainable material alternatives in place of
costly and not environment-friendly materials. The aim of this study is to discuss the step-by-step approach in design
process while developing a new product and provide more defoliated area with ergonomically designed sustainable
furniture and theoretically verify its credibility from the furniture design perspective.

Authors: Neha Priolkar, Franklin Kristi

PERIOD. is a co-operative card game designed to address prejudices related to menstruation and menstruating
women. The game, encourages dialogue around the otherwise tabooed issue of menstruation and acts as a conversation
starter, recognizing a woman’s power to express their choice and voice their opinion. It is played by both men
and women alike, sensitizing them regarding this integral issue, and creating a sense of empathy. The game play is
such that one enters the places that stereotypes menstruating women or is inaccessible to them; such as a place of
worship, sports field, workplace or school. Collective and cooperative actions can help break these prejudices and
winning is possible, in the game as well as the real world.

Authors: Nikita Pathak, Devika Saraogi, Gayatri Chudekar, Sreya Majumdar

In recent years, bioplastics have been massively introduced in the food-packaging field. However, users erroneously dispose them, causing the contamination of recycling chains. From this, emerged the need for a user centred research investigating: the gestures and senses involved in packaging exploration before disposal, the perceptual attributes of different packaging materials, the possible correlation between such attributes and waste streams. This research aims at expanding current knowledge of compostable materials perceptual attributes and suggest design hints to encour-age sustainable behaviour practices. The understandings led to a design that induces a sustainable allocation of waste of Single-Use Products (SUPs). Avoiding waste stream errors by recognisability of the packaging material and make the compostable packaging distinguishable for users through the perception of them can contribute to reduce the overall impact of single-use products. 

Authors: Romina Santi, Agnese Piselli, Graziano Elegir, Barbara Del Curto

Tuesday, 02 April 2019 08:01

Critical Zone: The Earth Below Our Feet

This paper reflects on an international collaborative project “Critical Sciencing Zone,” along with works from the
Kochi biennale (2018), which responded to the flood and landslides in Karnataka and Kerala. The critical condition
of the thin layer of the earth crust is of immense concern in this paper. I am tracing the inclination for vertical
movements and aspirations to reach the sky that accelerated technology, to the detriment of the Earth. Postmodern
theories that specifically use elements from nature, will be useful to frame radical shifts in perspective, and hence rethink
our relation to the earth. This paper will speculate through art works and fundamentally emphasizes learning
through cognitive, experiential and affective processes in order to acknowledge and recognize Nature. In short, my
aim is to examine and discover perspectives and manufacture discourses.

Authors: Dr. Vasanthi Mariadass

This paper works on formulating and discussing a symbiotic integration of technology with traditional craft as a
way of creating sustainable design practices. Craft as a medium allows for products created with emotion and love
and hence are retained with care as opposed to other mechanically created products. Through combining e-textile
technology with craft, this paper hypothesizes creating a two-fold impact on sustainability: by creating hand-crafted,
slow produced products with longevity and by providing economic sustainability to traditional crafts by enabling
them to create a wider product range that allows them to be relevant in the changing times. Eventually, the project
‘Anuvad’, which is the Hindi word for translate, is an enquiry into the combination of technology with crafts and
specifically, textile based traditional Indian crafts. The pilot project under this took place in the village of Bhujodi
in Kutch in the northern part of Gujarat. This concept hypothesizes, a higher functionality of the products created
using e-textile technology. Through slow-production techniques the products created can not only be customised to
meet specific needs but also create products that have a deeper meaning and value.

Authors: Chhail Khalsa

Recent years have seen a rapid growth in the cultural and creative industries worldwide. The design quality of culture-
based products, however, is relatively low for a lack of reliable methods of designing and evaluating them. This
paper is aimed to establish a quantitative evaluation model for cultural-based product design. Firstly, keywords of
the comments on selected culture-based products were obtained through web crawler, text abstraction, and literature
review. Secondly, evaluation indicators on extracted were acquired through card sorting by experts, and weight score
was obtained through questionnaires. Finally, the quantitative evaluation model was obtained through logistic regression
analysis. The model proposed in this paper is helpful for designers to understand the development trend of
cultural creative design and the important factors influencing cultural creative design.

Authors: Pan Li, Baosheng Wang

The paper presents a model of a sustainable distributed model of a bamboo craft based enterprise through Design
intervention. It is based on a human centric approach of wellbeing and economic growth of the local craft community
of Syntein village in Meghalaya by a strategic intervention of design and development, production optimization
and enterprise modeling of contemporary bamboo products that meet life style aspirations for urban users.
Decentralized and distributed centers of production of home-based enterprises are brought under a unique
brand identity that tap into the potential of diverse craft and handloom traditions unique to the region.
The proposed model offers potential of expansion across other handicraft and handloom traditions that are reflected
across India.

Authors: Ravi Mokashi Punekar, Avinash Shende, Mandar Rane

This paper explores ways to contemporize traditional crafts by adapting them for the modern context by proposing
symbiotic craft-design relationships that can be helpful for development and sustainability of cultural crafts.
To research such synergies between craftsmen and designers, the authors worked with craftsmen to develop
interior products. As part of a classroom project, design students collaborated with craftsmen to create new product
The study proposes that Craft–Design collaborations can result in products that combine the existing traditional
aesthetic and hand-skills with innovative thinking. This alliance between craft and design can lead to a winwin
situation for both sides.
Giving a new life to traditional practices/crafts will promote and sustain this cultural heritage and provide
craftsmen with increased earnings, while ensuring that both Tangible and Intangible traditional skills are preserved
for posterity, and the rich legacy of India’s crafts can continue to be enjoyed and admired.

Authors: Puja Anand, Alok Bhasin