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Misleading Identities: Do Perceptual Attributes of Materials Drive the Disposal of Single-Use Packaging in the Correct Waste Stream?

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In recent years, bioplastics have been massively introduced in the food-packaging field. However, users erroneously dispose them, causing the contamination of recycling chains. From this, emerged the need for a user centred research investigating: the gestures and senses involved in packaging exploration before disposal, the perceptual attributes of different packaging materials, the possible correlation between such attributes and waste streams. This research aims at expanding current knowledge of compostable materials perceptual attributes and suggest design hints to encour-age sustainable behaviour practices. The understandings led to a design that induces a sustainable allocation of waste of Single-Use Products (SUPs). Avoiding waste stream errors by recognisability of the packaging material and make the compostable packaging distinguishable for users through the perception of them can contribute to reduce the overall impact of single-use products. 

Authors: Romina Santi, Agnese Piselli, Graziano Elegir, Barbara Del Curto

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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