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Designing sustainable and healthy food systems through catering and their offers

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Our food system is responsible for some of the world’s greatest environmental and societal challenges from climate
change to chronic diseases linked with global dietary transition. As the trend of eating out increases, catering has a
great potential to lead the transition toward more sustainable food systems. As professionals, designers involved in
food service systems design and menu planning not only have to consider environmental impacts through Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) but also have to consider the health impacts of different types of meals. Dietary guidelines may
be used for this purpose, however, relying solely on them to compliment LCA will not lead to menu offers with the
least environmental impact and the greatest health benefits. As individuals, designers may also choose to facilitate
the transition toward more sustainable food system by acting as role models and consuming less animal-based meals
both at home and at work.

Authors: Berill Tacaks

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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