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Design for a sustainable innovation of Italian companies: the EcodesignLab experience

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Since its foundation, the “School of Architecture and Design of Unicam” has been characterised by a particular
sensitivity towards the environmental character of the project. This allowed the development of specific skills in the
field of environmental sustainability, which led, in 2013, to the foundation of the spin-off “EcodesignLab srl”. Its
mission is to increase the capacity for innovation, and the competitiveness of companies in the direction of environmental
sustainability, through the application of the criteria and methodologies that characterize the design for
sustainability. The results of these five years of activity are represented by the development of new eco-innovative
product concepts for small and medium-sized companies belonging to different business areas. The paper present,
through the case studies developed by the spin-off, the methodologies, the good practices but also the difficulties of
the commercial implementation of design for environmental sustainability within the national industrial network.

Authors: Jacopo Mascitti, Daniele Galloppo

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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