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Sustainable Design 4.0: methods and techniques of the contemporary designer in the knowledge society

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When confronted with the problems of contemporaneity, designers often tend to use their own creativity as an
answer to a specific need, maintaining divided design fields and methods, this leads to a lack of attention to actual
society problems and goals, which have already been defined and highlighted from UN – with the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals – and from the theoreticians of the industry 4.0.
The research method proposes the convergence between innovative production technology – such as open
technologies – and different design approach, the parametric one and the participatory one, because their hybridization
could lead to the design of artifacts through a unique system and, as well, customized on the need of each user
emerged through the participation of the same.
It is clear that a convergence like this will have an important impact on the society, thanks to the attention on
sustainability, inclusivity and iterability, of the process and products.

Authors: Roberta Angari, Gabriele Pontillo

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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