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Contextualizing Sustainable Product-Service System Design Methods for Distributed Economies of India

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This paper presents a strategic analysis tools that can help a designer in Sustainable Product-Service System Design
with an intervention focus on Socio-Economic Ecosystems (SEE) that seem typical of multi-cultural and diverse
communities engaged in distributed economic activities. The research questions for this paper are:
1. To what extent the MSDS (Methodology for System Design for Sustainability) is applicable for design of
S.PSS for SEE?
2. What could be a possible sustainability-orienting design approach for S.PSS in the context of SEE, which
caters to its unique nature?
Using Design Science Research Methodology, we redesigned the strategic analysis part of MSDS. The redesigned
strategic analysis consists of various tools suited for design of S.PSS in the context of SEE. The proposed
tools are for identifying the actors and their activities in the ecosystem; understanding the infrastructure and needs
of the actors; clarifying the goal, problem statement definition, design brief and unit of satisfaction using participatory
method; and, finally for competitor analysis.

Authors: Sharmistha Banerjee, Pankaj Upadhyay and Ravi Mokashi Punekar

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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