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Mati – Finding Self and Community through Land Reclamation

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A small piece of land outside the N4 campus of Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, was home to wilderness
and trash, when the Masters students of Information arts and Information design practices (IAIDP) and
Earth Education and Communication (EEC), as a part of School of Law Environment and Planning at Srishti Institute
of Art, Design and Technology, decided to build a new ecosystem which could be used by the community
next to this piece of land. This project, named Mati, emerged out of this idea of converting the piece of wasteland
into a community garden with the vision of bringing the neighbourhood together. The project was initiated by
the 2nd year students of the course with a two- week workshop asking how institutions could find ways to look at
sustainability and community engagement while engaging hands on with a project like this. It was taken further, as
a transdisciplinary unit for the 1st year masters students to continue the questions of sustainability through urban
wasteland regeneration and reclamation.

Authors: Srishti Srivastava, Shivangi Pant, Sahil Raina

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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