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From the possibility to express oneself to functionality, from the creation of new ways to communicate to greater renewability: one of the challenges which the fashion industry, together with most other sectors, is called upon to tackle concerns sustainability. The aim of the paper is to trace the main solutions adopted by the fashion system in terms of sustainable practices. Firstly it analyses the contribution of material and technological innovation to promote the adoption of green products, in order to challenge the waste and the pollution. Secondly the paper focuses in particular on the impact of digital technologies over processes and actors involved, fostering practices based on distributed production.

Authors: Alba Cappellieri, Livia Tenuta, Susanna Testa

The education for sustainability in design should be approached from the knowledge of global methods but taking
into account the contextualization of the tools and not the simple translation and use of methods developed outside
Colombia, using tools that connect with students and new ways of learning and facilitating the teacher the dissemination
of knowledge in a structured and concrete way. The (DSxC) aims to develop this support, always focusing
on the context and facilitate the student to understand and apply sustainable strategies to the development of their
projects in classroom.

Authors: Adolfo Vargas, Nataly Guataquira, Daniel Alvarez Quintero, Ricardo Rugeles

Over this century we continue to look for the ideal conditions to generate sustainable ways of education. Many of
the significant actions lie the ways in how education relates to design and ecology. The new way of ecological design
thinking here proposed constitutes three fundamental aspects: reconnecting with nature, rediscovering nature and
reflecting on the ways in which we forecast our designs. The Symbiotic Design Practice provides a flexible integral
methodological framework for configuring teaching-learning elements that approach the new ecological profile that
the designer should have.

Authors: David Sánchez Ruano