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Ecomuseum as a design tool for sustainable social innovation

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This study aims to identify points of convergence between the concepts of Ecomuseum and Social Innovation, from the point of view of Design. The concept of Ecomuseum, highlighting information such as the emergence of the concept, its objectives and characteristics will be developed. This article will also present the concept of design for social innovation and sustainability. The aim is to identify a framework that will allow classification of the concept of Ecomuseum as a sustainable social innovation initiative.  It will start with an exploratory bibliographical research and in addition, it will be used documentary research. Design role will be highlighted, with its interdisciplinary and transversal vision capable of identifying solutions to the obstacles to a new model of life: sustainable, creative and that privileges the collective benefit over the individual.

Authors: Rita de Castro Engler, Gabrielle Lana Linhares

Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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