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 Curitiba oral Rita De Castro Engler

Curitiba oral Rita De Castro Engler

Wednesday, 27 March 2019 14:51


This article, through a systematic review of the bibliography and case study, discusses new perspectives for sustainability in the environmental, socioeconomic and economic spheres, highlighting the importance of sustainable product-service systems (S. PSS) and design tools to build business models that are more innovative, competitive and sustainable in the face of opportunities and challenges and in pursuit of lifestyles more coherent with the current panorama. The design tools and the Sustainability Design Systems Method (MSDS) were applied to the startup Hortaliçário in order to show the possibility of thinking about a business model that, from its origin, includes socio-environmental actions. The result was a systemic understanding of the business within the analyzed aspects, understanding the product in such a way that it is service oriented and ecoefficiency, in order to contribute to the development of solutions for more sustainable products and services.

Authors: ENGLER, Rita de Castro, BARBALHO, Thalita Vanessa, GUIMARÃES, Letícia Hilário, LACERDA, Ana Carolina,

The goal of this paper is to analyze the environmental impact of the home textile sector in Brazil since 2010, in the production of raw materials and textile waste affecting the environment. The textile and garment sector is very relevant to the Brazilian economy as it is the second major job provider. The methods for this research will utilize information from systematic literature review and field investigation with technical visits and semi-structured interviews to companies linked to the home textile sector. With growing consumer awareness, the eco-friendly concept has become a trend in the home textile industry, which is considered the most environmentally damaging industry currently. The impacts of greater consequences of the home textile industry to the environment are: increase of solid waste, contamination of rivers and seas, contamination of the soil with sequels, it became infertile among others. This paper presents solutions to reduce them.

Authors: Mariana Costa Laktim, Larissa Duarte Oliveira, Rita de Castro Engler, Aline Fonseca, Camilla Borelli, Julia Baruque-Ramos

This study aims to identify points of convergence between the concepts of Ecomuseum and Social Innovation, from the point of view of Design. The concept of Ecomuseum, highlighting information such as the emergence of the concept, its objectives and characteristics will be developed. This article will also present the concept of design for social innovation and sustainability. The aim is to identify a framework that will allow classification of the concept of Ecomuseum as a sustainable social innovation initiative.  It will start with an exploratory bibliographical research and in addition, it will be used documentary research. Design role will be highlighted, with its interdisciplinary and transversal vision capable of identifying solutions to the obstacles to a new model of life: sustainable, creative and that privileges the collective benefit over the individual.

Authors: Rita de Castro Engler, Gabrielle Lana Linhares

Household medicines, like all types of hazardous waste, require proper disposal. However, that is often not the case. It is estimated, according to researchers, that roughly 20% of drugs consumed at home are disposed of in the conventional sewage system or simply thrown away. In the face of this problem, the present study intends to explore the disposal of household medicines in the city of Betim, Minas Gerais, with a specific focus on the voluntary proper disposal program created by the city. In addition, the research intends to explore the state-of-the-art relationship between circular design and the handling of residential pharmaceutical waste. The research takes a qualitative approach and includes a case study, descriptive in nature. The expected outcomes are a description of the home waste disposal program as well as a theoretical cross-reference of design and waste management.

Authors: Aline Rodrigues Fonseca, Rita de Castro Engler, Armindo de Souza Teodósio, Luiz Fernando de Freitas Júnior, Mariana Costa Laktim, Travis Higgins