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In this paper, we discuss the potential of an emerging form of sustainable design product as a solution to the space
constraint problems caused by bulky furnitures. This study presents how students perceive the interior design from
convenience and usability aspect for efficient space management. A quantitative research method was chosen to conduct
a survey to execute the data analysis. Based on the results delivered from the survey, a series of interviews were
scheduled with hostel authorities, architects, material vendors, and carpenters. A detailed analysis was conducted on
the re-usability of materials from existing furniture with the addition of sustainable material alternatives in place of
costly and not environment-friendly materials. The aim of this study is to discuss the step-by-step approach in design
process while developing a new product and provide more defoliated area with ergonomically designed sustainable
furniture and theoretically verify its credibility from the furniture design perspective.

Authors: Neha Priolkar, Franklin Kristi

The paper discusses the critical difference of modernist approach of designing for- and increasing approaches of
designing with- or across-, in this case with/across the overall eco-system. The research aims to engage all possible
agencies in urban environment for its shift from Anthropocene. Such attempts resulted in ratification of its own
design field called Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. The research by design is generated through
real life community trans-disciplinary observations, gigamapping, full-scale prototyping and their performance reflections
and re-designs, being called the ‘real life co-design laboratory’. It is achieved through two layers: engaging
the communities at place with prototypes as well as placing parametric recipes for DIY online. The prototypes are
therefore also exhibits with QR codes leading to the DIY recipes to be locally adapted for specific parameters. This
work is therefore oscillating between the ‘bottom up’ and the ‘top down’ approach, targeting the local specific communities

Authors: Marie Davidová

Our food system is responsible for some of the world’s greatest environmental and societal challenges from climate
change to chronic diseases linked with global dietary transition. As the trend of eating out increases, catering has a
great potential to lead the transition toward more sustainable food systems. As professionals, designers involved in
food service systems design and menu planning not only have to consider environmental impacts through Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) but also have to consider the health impacts of different types of meals. Dietary guidelines may
be used for this purpose, however, relying solely on them to compliment LCA will not lead to menu offers with the
least environmental impact and the greatest health benefits. As individuals, designers may also choose to facilitate
the transition toward more sustainable food system by acting as role models and consuming less animal-based meals
both at home and at work.

Authors: Berill Tacaks