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Designing Sustainability for All or Co-Designing Sustainability with All?

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The paper discusses the critical difference of modernist approach of designing for- and increasing approaches of
designing with- or across-, in this case with/across the overall eco-system. The research aims to engage all possible
agencies in urban environment for its shift from Anthropocene. Such attempts resulted in ratification of its own
design field called Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. The research by design is generated through
real life community trans-disciplinary observations, gigamapping, full-scale prototyping and their performance reflections
and re-designs, being called the ‘real life co-design laboratory’. It is achieved through two layers: engaging
the communities at place with prototypes as well as placing parametric recipes for DIY online. The prototypes are
therefore also exhibits with QR codes leading to the DIY recipes to be locally adapted for specific parameters. This
work is therefore oscillating between the ‘bottom up’ and the ‘top down’ approach, targeting the local specific communities

Authors: Marie Davidová

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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