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Mapping and Classifying Business Models to Replace Single-Use Packaging in the Food and Beverage Industry: A Strategic Design Tool

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Ocean plastics is threatening marine life and entering the food chain. Single-use packaging (SUP) represents a major
share of ocean plastics, thus intervention is necessary. This paper explores Product-Service Systems (PSS) business
models to replace SUP with reusable packaging (RP). Literature shows that RP offers environmental advantages over
SUP. However, a classification system of RP business models is missing. This paper aims to fill this gap. Case studies
of RP business models are analyzed. A theory building approach led to developing a classification system and clustering
case studies in archetypal models. Then it’s tested with 12 design students to validate it as a strategic design
tool. The outcome is classification system and 15 archetypal models of RP systems, that provides an overview of RP
solutions and is usable as a strategic design tool. The tool can be used by companies and designers to identify business
opportunities and aid in shifting business models from SUP to RP systems.

Authors: Noha Monsour, Fabrizio Ceschin, David Harrison, Yuan Long

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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