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CraftChange: Behaviour Progression Framework – Evaluation in Quasi Participatory Design Setting

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Sustainability concerns often stem from human behaviour and practices, and needs sustained change. Product and
service design, while driving solutions, are also influential in bringing about change in human behaviour. Yet most
designers do not have adequate design guidance based on the established behaviour change theories. The proposed
‘CraftChange’ Behaviour Progression Framework enables designers through a choreographed process and toolkit
of canvases and cards, to arrive at ideas and service concepts which facilitate a user’s behaviour progression—from
an unaware state to being an advocate of change. The usefulness and effectiveness of this framework was evaluated
through a case study aimed at designing a service design solution to “encourage continual learning within a
multi-cultural setting”. Initial results are encouraging and show the promise of being the preferred toolkit for service
designers aiming at sustainability initiatives like encouraging smart transport, promoting healthy food habits, and
amplifying sensitivity towards the environment.

Authors: Shivani Sharma, Ravi Mahamuni, Sylvan Lobo, Bhaskarjyoti Das, Ulemba Hirom, Radhika Verma, Malay Dhamelia

Additional Info

  • Venue: India

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