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This paper presents a set of Life Cycle Design (LCD) guidelines to operatively support fashion companies to design
low-environmental impact cloth. The LCD guidelines for environmentally sustainable clothing care systems has
been developed with the following process adopted since several years in company/organization consultancy by the
LeNSlab of Politecnico di Milano: desk research of the fashion system and its environmental impacts and sustainable
best practices analysis; identification of the environmental design strategy priorities; definition of cloth-specific
guidelines. i.e. a process of specifying the general LCD strategies: material minimization, energy minimization,
non-toxic harmful resources selection, renewable and biocompatible resources selection, product life optimization,
material life extension, design for disassembly; tool development both as a handbook and a digital tool. The result is
both an open access handbook and a digital tool of LCD clothing care guidelines and checklist to support and orientate
the future designers and companies to an environmentally sustainable design of clothing for fashion.

Authors: Diana Giannone, Carlo Vezzoli, Giovanni Maria Conti

The paper describes the state of progress of the LIFE The Tough Get Going (LIFE TTGG) project (funded by the
European Union). The authors aim to improve the entire life cycle efficiency of European Protected Designation
of Origin (PDO) cheeses by designing and developing software, that will work as Environmental Decision Support
System for the environmental footprint assessment (in compliance with PEF methodology promoted by European
Commission) and its reduction. The software has been calibrating and validating on the companies of the Grana
Padano and Comté cheese supply chains (100 farms, 34 dairies, and 19 packers).
In this article, the environmental impact of 10g dry matter of Grana Padano PDO cheese was evaluated,
through 3 different impact categories: Climate Change, Acidification, and Mineral Fossil & Ren Resource Depletion.
Two emission mitigation scenarios were considered: reduction of energy consumption in the dairy processing
phase and environmental packaging optimization.

Authors: Jacopo Famiglietti, Pieter R.

This study investigates how a comic about the anti-apartheid activist, Florrie Daniels, may be used to de-marginalise
the Westbury community. Further, I propose the possible extension of this method to other communities and argue
that marginalisation can be addressed with the distribution of a community’s positive heritage. Comics are the most
accessible medium for the propagation of education; by exploiting their innate ability to convey narratives across
multiple physical and intellectual barriers, sustainable community resilience and upliftment may be achieved.


Author: Jean Bollweg