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This article reports on a case study involving a collaboration project in which mothers with children attending Inosel school received capacity building based on design development activities. The school is a catholic charity school based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which admits both deaf and hearing students. As many of the children need the help of their parents/guardians to get around the city, their caregivers stay at the Inosel premises during school hours. Having identified this work opportunity, the following research question was formulated: Can collaboration activities based on the opportunity to develop design projects help empower people to act productively in the development of a project, making and marketing artisan objects? The idea was to draw on methods and procedures from the methodology of design to train groups with creative potential. A methodological approach was devised, enabling the group to work on the different stages of design development and, as a consequence empowering them.

Authors: Bárbara de Oliveira e Cruz, Rita Maria de Souza Couto, Roberta Portas Gonçalves Rodrigues 


Want to propose in this paper is the researches carried out by the FA.RE. Fashion Research Lab of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli is related to an ideal model of Zero Emission fashion industrial district in the Italian textile clothing sector. Starting from an analysis of the men’s tailoring sector in Napoli, we will analyze the real case study called NEM Neapolitan Evolution Menswear, realized with the tailoring company of excellence KITON and the capsule collections realized with the Master's degree in Design for Innovation, Fashion Eco design curriculum of the University of Vanvitelli. The theoretical backgorund of the paper starts from the design strategy that derives from the Design Thinking and that the FA.RE. lab research group has called listening design, a method of listening to the territorial, environmental and productive problems for the realization of a bio capsule collection.

Authors: Roberto Liberti

Through an integrated approach, which combines tools and techniques in design and food chemistry disciplines, new sustainable products have been experimented in cosmetic field. The design tools, acting in multiple and diversified fields, aim at valuing and increasing capabilities by creative training for generating sustainable and reproducible goods, whereas the investigation of the chemical composition of foods and their by-products is one of the main goals in food chemistry research. In this context, agri-food sector by-products are an inexhaustible source of bioactives, whose re-use, as alternative sources of low-cost and bio-sustainable active ingredients, is desirable in the nutraceutical field. Furthermore, the recycling of waste could reduce its environmental impact and the related disposal costs. The collaborative methodology is prompt to convey a new concept of wellness and body care through a new eco-oriented product production in which food winter-wastes are investigated for their cosmeceutical value for the formulation of green-cosmetic products. The paper reports the experience carried out in the design and food chemistry laboratories.

Authors: Severina Pacifico, Simona Piccolella, Rosanna Veneziano