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Design for Sustainability (DfS) focuses on wicked problems that cannot be modelled in reductionist ways. Furthermore,
when bottom-up local interventions prove to have positive effects in their context, they remain hard to
spread and might face failure if transferred the other contexts. Here, a researchthrough-
design approach is presented for highlighting a new paradigm, that questions the very nature of both design process and outcomes. Specifically,
Open-ended Design (OeD) is introduced pursuing the creation of unfinished and ever-evolving outcomes (imperfect
by intention), embracing the out-ofcontrol local instances. In this approach balance between openness and over-design
is sought, to facilitate both the global diffusion of design outcomes and their local re-appropriation. The aim
of the research is to highlight existing connections between OeD and DfS, listing its values and limitations through
some reported cases. In conclusion, designers might start designing for emergent aspects of the designed solutions,
supporting multiple local re-appropriations.

Authors: Francesca Ostuzzi, Valentina Rognoli.

This paper aims to provide a framework for integration of life cycle sustainability assessment into design process. For this purpose, at first the meaning of efficiency will be defined mathematically by proposing a set of equations. The equations will be designed to be capable to measure life cycle values and costs and able to provide a comparative index for each design alternative applicable in an optimization process. Finally, in order to evaluate the performance of our proposed integrated design-assessment framework, a set of design variables of a building envelope such as geometry and construction materials will be selected as optimization variables. By using parametric design software and simulation tools such as Rhino-Grasshopper and Energy plus, our proposed framework will be applied on a hypothetical case study, then the results and future development and research directions in this field will be discussed.

Authors: Hashem Amini Toosi, Monica Lavagna

The challenges for small holding agriculture in India are quiet demotivating specially in the regions where education
and awareness level is low and poverty is high. One such region in India is Sundarbans, West Bengal. Therefore the
study was conducted with marginalised farmers of Sundarban. The study attempts to Explore different opportunities
and challenges related to livelihood and wellbeing among extremely marginalised farmers through organic farming
adoption. The study also identified different factors or categories realted to organic farming practice and evaluate
the relationship between them. The farmers and eco volenteers from an NGO were interviewed and Grounded
theory was applied to analyse the information. 42 items were itentified through Open coding , 7 categories evolved
through Axial coding . Organic Farming Adoption is identified as the core category through Selective coding.

Authors: Sanjukta Ghosh