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Open-ended Design. Local re-appropriations through imperfection.

Written by Francesca Ostuzzi, Valentina Rognoli.

Design for Sustainability (DfS) focuses on wicked problems that cannot be modelled in reductionist ways. Furthermore,
when bottom-up local interventions prove to have positive effects in their context, they remain hard to
spread and might face failure if transferred the other contexts. Here, a researchthrough-
design approach is presented for highlighting a new paradigm, that questions the very nature of both design process and outcomes. Specifically,
Open-ended Design (OeD) is introduced pursuing the creation of unfinished and ever-evolving outcomes (imperfect
by intention), embracing the out-ofcontrol local instances. In this approach balance between openness and over-design
is sought, to facilitate both the global diffusion of design outcomes and their local re-appropriation. The aim
of the research is to highlight existing connections between OeD and DfS, listing its values and limitations through
some reported cases. In conclusion, designers might start designing for emergent aspects of the designed solutions,
supporting multiple local re-appropriations.

Authors: Francesca Ostuzzi, Valentina Rognoli.

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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