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milan oral Cenk Basbolat

milan oral Cenk Basbolat

Cenk Basbolat is a multidisciplinary designer and researcher with core focus on user experience, system design, visualisation and strategy. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from Bilkent University in Turkey having completed one year of his studies in the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan in USA. He received his Master of Science degree in Product Service System Design at Politecnico di Milano with an half year study abroad experience at RMIT university at Melbourne.

Cenk previously worked as Designer and Researcher at FourByNorth Studio, an American Design Studio, based in Istanbul and currently working as a Designer Researcher and Project Manager at DIS Lab - Design and system Innovation for Sustainability in the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano where he is engaged in LeNSin (the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability) Project which is an EU-supported (ERASMUS+) project involving 36 universities from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Central America, aiming at the promotion of a new generation of designers (and design educators) capable to effectively contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society for all.

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Interest in urban agriculture as well as the various forms of zero kilometre production for domestic use, necessarily
passes through the redefinition of the parallel system of building components, both regarding technological and
innovation level of the built space, towards their progressive integration: from independent solutions or simply superimposed
on the building, towards increasingly hybrid forms, as expression of an increasingly integrated collaboration
between architecture, agriculture and design. The result is the progressive replacement of traditional products
with elements and components directly integrated in construction by composition and technology. The paper presents
the first results of the design research whose objective is to experiment the possible applications to the contexts
of the built space, to the different scales of the project, of a product system for the recycling of washing waste in a
domestic environment for the production of plants. edible products underway at the Design Department of the Milan

Authors: Attilio Nebuloni, Giorgio Buratti, Matteo Meraviglia

The paper looks at Climate Change as a wicked problem through the lens of Systems Thinking as part of an academic
course. The aim of the research was to understand the underlying causes of climate change and find innovative
ways to approach the problems caused by the existing consumerism driven industrialization and societal mentality.
The resultant solution was the utilization of social movement and a framework of behaviour change models
contextual to each individual for maximum impact. It would enable and nudge the common masses towards the
path of sustainable consumption.

Authors: Palash Ghawde, Bindiya Mutum, Praveen Nahar

Sustainability concerns often stem from human behaviour and practices, and needs sustained change. Product and
service design, while driving solutions, are also influential in bringing about change in human behaviour. Yet most
designers do not have adequate design guidance based on the established behaviour change theories. The proposed
‘CraftChange’ Behaviour Progression Framework enables designers through a choreographed process and toolkit
of canvases and cards, to arrive at ideas and service concepts which facilitate a user’s behaviour progression—from
an unaware state to being an advocate of change. The usefulness and effectiveness of this framework was evaluated
through a case study aimed at designing a service design solution to “encourage continual learning within a
multi-cultural setting”. Initial results are encouraging and show the promise of being the preferred toolkit for service
designers aiming at sustainability initiatives like encouraging smart transport, promoting healthy food habits, and
amplifying sensitivity towards the environment.

Authors: Shivani Sharma, Ravi Mahamuni, Sylvan Lobo, Bhaskarjyoti Das, Ulemba Hirom, Radhika Verma, Malay Dhamelia

The paper discusses the critical difference of modernist approach of designing for- and increasing approaches of
designing with- or across-, in this case with/across the overall eco-system. The research aims to engage all possible
agencies in urban environment for its shift from Anthropocene. Such attempts resulted in ratification of its own
design field called Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. The research by design is generated through
real life community trans-disciplinary observations, gigamapping, full-scale prototyping and their performance reflections
and re-designs, being called the ‘real life co-design laboratory’. It is achieved through two layers: engaging
the communities at place with prototypes as well as placing parametric recipes for DIY online. The prototypes are
therefore also exhibits with QR codes leading to the DIY recipes to be locally adapted for specific parameters. This
work is therefore oscillating between the ‘bottom up’ and the ‘top down’ approach, targeting the local specific communities

Authors: Marie Davidová

Ocean plastics is threatening marine life and entering the food chain. Single-use packaging (SUP) represents a major
share of ocean plastics, thus intervention is necessary. This paper explores Product-Service Systems (PSS) business
models to replace SUP with reusable packaging (RP). Literature shows that RP offers environmental advantages over
SUP. However, a classification system of RP business models is missing. This paper aims to fill this gap. Case studies
of RP business models are analyzed. A theory building approach led to developing a classification system and clustering
case studies in archetypal models. Then it’s tested with 12 design students to validate it as a strategic design
tool. The outcome is classification system and 15 archetypal models of RP systems, that provides an overview of RP
solutions and is usable as a strategic design tool. The tool can be used by companies and designers to identify business
opportunities and aid in shifting business models from SUP to RP systems.

Authors: Noha Monsour, Fabrizio Ceschin, David Harrison, Yuan Long

Thursday, 04 April 2019 08:51

Design Toolkit for Sustainable Ideation

The work proposes a card-based design toolkit for sustainable ideation in product development. The solution consists
of two decks - the ‘Problems’ deck for identification of sustainable design issues and the ‘Prompts’ deck that
provides prompts for tackling these issues. The toolkit abstracts data through user studies (interviews, peer-to-peer
observations, market research, etc.) to understand the product design cycle and breakpoints in sustainable product
design. To validate the design intervention, during the ideation stage, the user(s) picked up cards from the Problems
deck that denote sustainable design issues posed by the product to the environment throughout its lifecycle. Thereafter,
user would pick multiple cards from the Prompts deck denoting tools for sustainable innovation and ideated
upon them. The prompts helped the teams to laterally and collectively target multiple sustainable design issues
rather than focusing on individual problems. The toolkit promotes Design for Sustainability (DfS) by presenting
sustainability as an opportunity.

Authors: Ameya Dabholkar, Shivangi Pande, Puneet Tandon

Informal sector in India is growing rapidly with the urbanization of the cities and increasing needs from its citizens. According
International Labour Organization (ILO) report 2012, most of them are immigrants or laid-off workers, work
for an average 10–12 hours a day, and remain impoverished. In India, street vending makes up 14% of total (non-agricultural)
urban informal employment (ILO 2012). Although informal sector in India is majorly being represented by
street vendors. They are exposed to harassments, advocacy issues, financial instability, livelihood related issues and many
more. This has a direct impact on the sustainability of their businesses. Also, diversity in the methods of business adds
to more complexity in the ecosystem. However, there have not been many attempts to bring about positive changes in
the businesses of street vendors. This study was undertaken at the Digital Impact Square (DISQ), a TCS foundation
initiative. The Author of this paper is presenting it by having worked on the project in the capacity of a Design Lead
and mentor. The aim of the study is to bring certainty in the fruit vendors’ business by applying human centered technological
approach and analyse the outcome. The study uses primary and secondary data collected and analysed using
human centered design approach to represent the mindset of street vendors in Nashik. The sample size for the research
includes 80 fruit & vegetable vendors. The paper also includes the findings of an experiment conducted with 3 selected
fruit vendors in Nashik. The insights from this study can be generalised for other geographies, as the study addresses
both the human side of core issues in their business operations and potential technological interventions.

Authors: Vivek Chondagar

Thursday, 04 April 2019 07:47

Sustainable Interaction for Mobility System

Many studies report that the results of top-down policymaking approach are not enough and suggest that “sustainable development cannot be imposed from above. It will not take root unless people across the country are actively en-gaged” (UK DEFRA, 2002). The goal of this research is to combine the interaction and gamification strategy with a set of personal data in order to increase the users’ awareness of the impact of each action.  The research context is the mobility system in which the increase in road congestion and the risk to compromise human well-being are just some of the critical points to be faced in the future. Possible solutions to these problems already exist, such as shared mobility and autonomous cars, But the change to be fostered is not only about business or technology, it must in-volve the citizens who will influence the future through their decisions and behaviour. The experimentation focuses on a case study useful for obtaining and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative research results. In particular the case study concerns the design of an interactive augmented reality game, that plays on board of a full self-driving car, in which user takes decisions as the leader of his fictional world; as result of his decisions the environment around him changes. The game continually reconfigures itself taking advantage of users’ personal information and data col-lected through different ways. Gestures, copywriting and other elements will follow the needs of each user. Instead of a more traditional approach that results frustrating and not very involving for the user, the game uses an ironic, surreal, and funny language in order to be more engageable, instead of a more traditional approach. The goal is to make conscious users towards the environment that surrounds him and his ability to affect positively or negative the system in which he lives.

Authors: Andrea Arcoraci, Andrea Di Salvo, Paolo Marco Tamborrini

Authors: Gianpiero Alfarano and Alessandro Spennato

Wednesday, 03 April 2019 12:43

Keynote 6 - Walter Stahel

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