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Sustainable Interaction for Mobility System

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Many studies report that the results of top-down policymaking approach are not enough and suggest that “sustainable development cannot be imposed from above. It will not take root unless people across the country are actively en-gaged” (UK DEFRA, 2002). The goal of this research is to combine the interaction and gamification strategy with a set of personal data in order to increase the users’ awareness of the impact of each action.  The research context is the mobility system in which the increase in road congestion and the risk to compromise human well-being are just some of the critical points to be faced in the future. Possible solutions to these problems already exist, such as shared mobility and autonomous cars, But the change to be fostered is not only about business or technology, it must in-volve the citizens who will influence the future through their decisions and behaviour. The experimentation focuses on a case study useful for obtaining and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative research results. In particular the case study concerns the design of an interactive augmented reality game, that plays on board of a full self-driving car, in which user takes decisions as the leader of his fictional world; as result of his decisions the environment around him changes. The game continually reconfigures itself taking advantage of users’ personal information and data col-lected through different ways. Gestures, copywriting and other elements will follow the needs of each user. Instead of a more traditional approach that results frustrating and not very involving for the user, the game uses an ironic, surreal, and funny language in order to be more engageable, instead of a more traditional approach. The goal is to make conscious users towards the environment that surrounds him and his ability to affect positively or negative the system in which he lives.

Authors: Andrea Arcoraci, Andrea Di Salvo, Paolo Marco Tamborrini

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy


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