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milan oral poster Carlo Vezzoli

milan oral poster Carlo Vezzoli

This research aims at bridging the actual gap between technical improvements and user’s practices in energy retrofitting
of public housing, by considering the role and relations of key actors throughout the design process and
with particular emphasis on the degree at which user’s experience is envisaged. To this end, a Milanese case study is
analysed through the lens of Quadruple Helix, where a key role is given to the fourth helix, the user, in sharing its
knowledge and experience in the decision-making process (Arnkil, 2010). The research method combines tenants’
interviews and on-site observations with institutions interviews and focus groups. Evidences show lack of coordination
among the actors and the lack of consideration for final users that, as a consequence, adopt thermal comfort
solutions according to personal assessments. Guidelines are drawn to support the administrative system in defining
energy policies in public housing aimed for an iterative and collaborative management model.


Authors: Federica Rotondo, Giuseppe Salvia, Eugenio Morello. 

Circular Economy-CE is a systemic change that builds resilience in the long term and creates business opportunities
and innovative solutions for the economy, providing environmental and social improvements. However, CE guidelines
do not include how to deal with the systemic design of ‘circular relations’ involving the low-income population
as promoters and actors of sustainable development, imperative in emerging economies such as Brazil. This article
investigates the lack of theoretical and practical structures, in the convergence between CE and design, which may
guide the design of circular, systemic relations for socio-ethical development, proposing a bibliographic review of the
CE concepts and guidelines, along with a brief evolutionary description of the approaches of Design for sustainability.
Finally, present Brazilian case studies to discuss the power of organized vernacular actions for the inclusion and
social development of the marginalized members of society, favoring socioeconomic development in an ethical and
equitable way of needy communities within CE systems.


Authors: Priscilla R. Lepre, Leonardo Castillo. 

The research had as objective to identify how sustainability, translated into organizational management, can incorporate
the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a practical guide to redesign organizations, and as
a strategy to promote the generation of economic and intangible value. It is proposed in order to foster the development
of Mexican specialized micro, small and middle (MSME's) enterprises in the publishing sector; extend the
horizon of sustainable management in the creative and cultural businesses beyond the environmental care of their
production systems and their final products (circular production and eco-design), bolster the cultural information
disseminated through them and strengthen the importance of the triple bottom line integrated in the organizational
culture as a driver of the interrelations between all of the stakeholders involved throughout its value chain and within
the whole local system.


Authors: Lupita Guillén Mandujano, Bertha Palomino Villavicencio, Gerardo Francisco Kloss Fernández del Castillo. 


Huertos MX is a project that searches all current urban, personal, scholar and institutional gardens in Mexico. To
make this possible, technology was the way to go. We use mobile technology and geo localization in our mobile
application, which helps our users locate people and institutions that share a common goal: sustainability. By doing
this, we are creating a national movement to build a network where people can communicate and share anything
they want.

Author: Gloria Elena Matiella Castro

This study investigates how a comic about the anti-apartheid activist, Florrie Daniels, may be used to de-marginalise
the Westbury community. Further, I propose the possible extension of this method to other communities and argue
that marginalisation can be addressed with the distribution of a community’s positive heritage. Comics are the most
accessible medium for the propagation of education; by exploiting their innate ability to convey narratives across
multiple physical and intellectual barriers, sustainable community resilience and upliftment may be achieved.


Author: Jean Bollweg

The environmental impact of product production and consumption is gradually receiving attention. Visualization of
carbon footprint is one of the main methods for promoting and developing sustainable products, and it is gradually
receiving widespread attention from the international community. This paper first summarizes the current research
status of carbon footprint and carbon footprint identification at home and abroad, and finally proposes a design
method and implementation approach of carbon footprint visualization service system based on the product life cycle.

Authors: Chenyang Sun, Jun Zhang.