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Circular Economy-CE is a systemic change that builds resilience in the long term and creates business opportunities
and innovative solutions for the economy, providing environmental and social improvements. However, CE guidelines
do not include how to deal with the systemic design of ‘circular relations’ involving the low-income population
as promoters and actors of sustainable development, imperative in emerging economies such as Brazil. This article
investigates the lack of theoretical and practical structures, in the convergence between CE and design, which may
guide the design of circular, systemic relations for socio-ethical development, proposing a bibliographic review of the
CE concepts and guidelines, along with a brief evolutionary description of the approaches of Design for sustainability.
Finally, present Brazilian case studies to discuss the power of organized vernacular actions for the inclusion and
social development of the marginalized members of society, favoring socioeconomic development in an ethical and
equitable way of needy communities within CE systems.


Authors: Priscilla R. Lepre, Leonardo Castillo. 

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: es. Design Department, Politecnico di Milano

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