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Gender divide is currently at the heart of the international debate, “Achieve gender equality” is the fifth goal of the ONU Agenda 2030. From a communication design perspective, the issue concerns women’s representation in the media and the repercussions it has in reinforcing stereotypes. Mediascape in Italy still plays a crucial part in conveying stereotyped models that influence personal and collective identity, in this context communication designers have to intervene to develop new tools to change the ways of consuming and distributing images. This paper is focused on the ongoing research and experimentation activities conducted by the research group DCXCG - Communication Design for Gender Studies. Its main goal is to offer a critical view of the forms of representation of gender and to support new communication models in the educational context. The aim is to show where and how communication design can intervene on the streotype vicious circle. This could be a contribution in generating positive actions and a step towards gender equality.

Authors: Valeria Bucchetti, Francesca Casnati

The research had as objective to identify how sustainability, translated into organizational management, can incorporate
the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a practical guide to redesign organizations, and as
a strategy to promote the generation of economic and intangible value. It is proposed in order to foster the development
of Mexican specialized micro, small and middle (MSME's) enterprises in the publishing sector; extend the
horizon of sustainable management in the creative and cultural businesses beyond the environmental care of their
production systems and their final products (circular production and eco-design), bolster the cultural information
disseminated through them and strengthen the importance of the triple bottom line integrated in the organizational
culture as a driver of the interrelations between all of the stakeholders involved throughout its value chain and within
the whole local system.


Authors: Lupita Guillén Mandujano, Bertha Palomino Villavicencio, Gerardo Francisco Kloss Fernández del Castillo. 


This paper analyses the design layout of a traditional Kinyankole house in which the design was meant to promote and strengthen family power dimensions, bedroom dynamics and hospitality. In many societies, culture is a social function embodies values, beliefs and customs that bring out the society’s identity, solidarity and how traditions and shared values are communicated among members and also preserved.Basing on tacit knowledge, I interviewed five elders about the social connotation and meaning of the Banyankole house design using in-depth informal interviews. First, I argue that the house design epitomized the power structure in which families and the entire community were governed. Second, the design showed how welcoming and organized the families were. Third, the layout of the bedrooms represented respect and strategy of the bedroom dynamics. I conclude by observing that some aspects of indigenous designs need to be adopted into contemporary designs because oftheir design values.

Authors: Emmanuel Mutungi