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The paper presents a didactic experience aimed at increasing the design skills and the sensitivity of bachelor students on environmental issues. Future designers, who will be able to modify spaces and products we use, must have both a sound disciplinary competence and a sensibility that modifies their daily behavior and adds value to their professional competence. With these goals, the topic of the Design Studio that will lead to thesis work about 55 students, concerns the design of a temporary retail space, able to communicate the environmental culture of a multinational Company. The brief was built in strict collaboration with a famous brand (Company) of apparel and shoes, that since many years has been paying attention to sustainability both in the productive processes as well as concerning the impact of their products at different levels. The project brief deals with the communication of the culture of sustainability, devoted to spreading awareness in the consumers and also in our students.

Authors: Silvia Piardi

Re-directing human progress cannot be done by means of superior ethics and good will alone. Instead, effective forms of management and governance are required. Realizing sustainable development in practice takes place under highly diverse conditions of targeting-conflicts about priorities, utilization competences about resources as well as divergent interests and contrasting visions of how “our common future” should look like. Facing “great challenges” of humankind therefore means tailoring well-designed interventions in the ongoing dynamics of existing patterns: in communicative culture as well as in material culture, in the organizational sphere as well as in the technological sphere. But how to do so?

Three transformational strategies that are well known in sustainability science, science-technology-studies and systemic design are “efficiency”, “sufficiency” and “consistency”. They are driven by contrasting rationalities, respond to different groundings and favor distinct instruments. They are supported by different arguments and seem to be excluding each other, as suggested by the corresponding semantics of “hard” and “soft” sustainability. We can understand them as strategies that are competing for attention on the public agenda for being accepted and having the chance to become converted into practice. But how to combine these strategies with effective principles of design such as to enable far reaching transformations in material culture and social life?

Besides of focusing on the advantages of a “balanced approach” in theoretical reasoning there is need to initiate and realize further empirical research about concrete applications of these strategies, “best practices” and what could be learned from failures. Moreover, there should be tackled their unintended consequences, probable rebound effects and, finally, possibilities to deploy them in smart combinations together with accompanying measures. But how to elaborate some comparative research design that is able to address all these issues effectively?

Authors: Andreas Metzner-Szigeth

With the rapid development of Chinese cities and the increase of hardstand areas, the existing urban residential
communities are faced with serious problems such as flood disaster and water pollution, the engineering measures
adopted in China in the past are to the disadvantage of environmental protection and sustainable development of
ecology. By consulting relevant documents and combining with practical cases, taking the existing communities in
Qian’an City of China as an example, analysis the problems of existing communities with current situation. Starting
from the perspective of the landscape and using the technical measures of the Sponge City to carry out the landscape
renovation design, this thesis puts forward the sustainable design strategy of landscape in the existing urban residential
communities. In order to provide reference for landscape reconstruction design of other cities in the north of
China, and furthermore, to promote the sustainable development of the whole social environment.

Authors: Gao Di