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Spreading good sustainability practices through temporary retail shops

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The paper presents a didactic experience aimed at increasing the design skills and the sensitivity of bachelor students on environmental issues. Future designers, who will be able to modify spaces and products we use, must have both a sound disciplinary competence and a sensibility that modifies their daily behavior and adds value to their professional competence. With these goals, the topic of the Design Studio that will lead to thesis work about 55 students, concerns the design of a temporary retail space, able to communicate the environmental culture of a multinational Company. The brief was built in strict collaboration with a famous brand (Company) of apparel and shoes, that since many years has been paying attention to sustainability both in the productive processes as well as concerning the impact of their products at different levels. The project brief deals with the communication of the culture of sustainability, devoted to spreading awareness in the consumers and also in our students.

Authors: Silvia Piardi

Additional Info

  • Topics of presentation: Design for Sustainable Materials and Energy
  • Venue: Italy


Question and Answer  

# Kersten 2019-04-04 19:53
You mentioned that the students after the course were more competent and aware and mention the example of not seeing (m)any plastic water bottles after the rourse. That is one simple visual indicator, but did you do more 'monitoring' afterwards? Or was it mostly this anecdotal evidence that brings you to the conclusion?

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