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milan oral Andreas Metzner-Szigeth

Andreas Metzner-Szigeth is Full Professor (since March 2016) in Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy. He was Full Professor of Sustainability Science at Bochum University of Applied Sciences (May 2012-March 2016) in Bochum, Germany, and Holder of the Visiting Chair for Studies in Science, Technology and Society (STS) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Donostia–San Sebastian, Spain (October 2004-September 2007). Moreover, he has collected additional international experiences in a series of positions as Visiting Professor and Resident Research Fellow. His broad record of working experience comprises several positions in different academic institutions, European research networks and international projects focusing on the interplay of media and culture, technology assessment and risk communication. He acquired additional proficiency in management and governance related consulting and evaluation procedures centering on various fields of Sustainable Development as an entrepreneur and executive manager (October 2008-March 2016, Executive Manager and Consultant, Episteme Consulting (EC), Muenster, Germany; April 2000-April 2005, Entrepreneur and Consultant, Institute for Management and Sustainability Issues (IMSI), Muenster, Germany). Andreas started his academic career as Assistant Professor at the Brandenburg University of Technology, in Cottbus, Germany (June 1994-April 1999).


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Oral Presentations:

Strategies for Eco-Social Transformation: Comparing Efficiency, Sufficiency and Consistency

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: Free University of Bolzano, Italy


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