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This paper aims to understand the value of synergy between the field of design and that of transition management for sustainability. Six potential values of synergy are identified: (1) enriched methods of retrieving knowledge of current objects and current systems; (2) providing boundary objects in transition arenas beyond language games; (3) actively envisioning the effect of design things during and beyond their lifetime; (4) intensified reflexivity in design practices and projects; (5) more prototyping activities to leave traces of transition activities in everyday life; (6) greater focus on building interactions through a broader range of co-creation activities. The paper also identifies four possible pitfalls of synergy between the two practices. The paper is grounded in literature but is meant to be a stepping stone towards experimentation in practice; where knowledge, approaches, methods and experience of both fields are combined to intensify the impact on sustainability.

Authors: Jotte de Koning

The present article proposes to investigate possible futures for the design through a proximal and dialogical approach between design and democracy. In this way, we begin with the letter "Stand Up for Democracy", written by MANZINI and MARGOLIN. Thus we seek to understand the foundations of the concept of Design as Democracy, proposed by the mentioned authors. We seek a relationship between the structures of democratic models and design practices. For these reasons, we have opened up a dialogue on codesign as a possible methodological alternative for a democratic design, more comprehensive, horizontal and open for all. Providing a fertile ground where collective creativity can be used as a form of collaboration and solving common problems is mirrored in design as democracy.For this resonates with the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable world for the future generation.

Authors: IZIDIO, Luiz Lagares, MORAES, Dijon De,


Design thinking based on problem-based learning is believed to promote reflective thinking in students. Students
need to develop their reflective thinking habits to be lifelong learners and technical professionals. For this to happen,
facilitators may first provide opportunities for getting students to reflect critically on their practice (for example
through reflection journals) and secondly, guide reflective dialogue both between the facilitator and students, and
also among students (Stein, 2000). In this paper, a framework is proposed to apply reflective design practice to
nurture critical thinking, to go from the outside to the inside and influence changes in personal design decisions in
Product-Service System (PSS) Design for Sustainability for undergraduate design students. The method is transferable
to other disciplines as well.

Authors: Ravi Mani