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Design and Transition Management: Value of Synergy for Sustainability

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This paper aims to understand the value of synergy between the field of design and that of transition management for sustainability. Six potential values of synergy are identified: (1) enriched methods of retrieving knowledge of current objects and current systems; (2) providing boundary objects in transition arenas beyond language games; (3) actively envisioning the effect of design things during and beyond their lifetime; (4) intensified reflexivity in design practices and projects; (5) more prototyping activities to leave traces of transition activities in everyday life; (6) greater focus on building interactions through a broader range of co-creation activities. The paper also identifies four possible pitfalls of synergy between the two practices. The paper is grounded in literature but is meant to be a stepping stone towards experimentation in practice; where knowledge, approaches, methods and experience of both fields are combined to intensify the impact on sustainability.

Authors: Jotte de Koning

Additional Info

  • Topics of presentation: Design for Sustainable Materials and Energy
  • Venue: Italy


Question and Answer  

# milan poster Jan Carel Diehl 2019-04-03 10:28
hallo jotte
# milan oral Jotte de Koning 2019-04-04 09:38
hoi JC!
# Kersten 2019-04-04 20:01
If you add all the pitfalls and synergies might it be fair to say that the process to find the best confluence of design and transition management skills would be like finding the harmony between short and long term, concrete and conceptual, without necessarily allocating any of these to one of the two domains? In other words, an ideal skills set would contain elements of all of these points, and therefore also inputs from both domains? (finding the harmony instead of differences, basically) Or is that too idealistic?
# milan oral Jotte de Koning 2019-04-12 11:55
Not too idealistic at all! That would be the ideal, finding the combination between 'short and long term, concrete and conceptual' indeed in both fields and professions. But maybe it is not about finding them in one person but in groups of people that work together. That way less idealistic and more attainable, therefore collaboration techniques are also of the utmost importance.

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