Nina Costa is a researcher and designer with a background in product design and a PhD in leaders for technological industries, MIT-Portugal program. She undertook her initial studies at the University of Aveiro, and continued at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal. Her work focused on integrating Product-Service Systems (PSS) design approach with Service Design, supporting multidisciplinary teams and companies to co-create value with their customers and design more integrated solutions. Throughout her career, she worked in close collaboration with manufacturing and service industry, in particular, in the energy and laboratory sectors. Additionally she participated and published her work in conferences including IPDMC, QUIS and ServDes, and published an article in a leading international scientific journal in the field of Design (Design Studies). She was also invited to present her work at FEUP on multiple occasions and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She contributed to the management of the Service Design for Innovation Network (SDIN) H2020 project, and is currently developing her research at the intersection of user experience and circular economy in Aveiro.
Oral Presentations:
#ECOTERACY, designing an info inclusive and universal language of sustainability