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mexico oral Daniel Llermaly

He holds a master in industrial design at the UNAM and is part of the team.

Works with sound in it’s different manifestations , through participating in many projects as musician designer, or sound engineer. He has also collaborated in many comunitary media projects related to sound art and open source technology.

He has worked independently giving workshops related to the use of free technological tools applied to artistic projects. In this context he has presented his work in places such as “Museo de Arte Moderno de Sao Paulo”, “CCJ Sao Paulo” or “Festival Fábrica de Fallas” in Buenos Aires and Santiago, MAM-MX, Centro de Cultura Digital MX.

As musician he has collaborated with many artist , including: Marcelo Armani (Brasil), Tomás Tello (Perú), Panetone (Brasil), Constanza Piña (Chile), Marcela Armas or Gilberto Esparza (México). He is also co-founder of SUDEX, a platform for exchange and collaboration in different independent artistic projects arround south américa.

He has organized the “Fábrica de Fallas” Festival (Santiago), co-organized the “Encuentro Internacional de Prácticas Sonoras: FRICCIONES” (January 2013, Santiago), he has also worked with sound landscapes producing the collective record “Ferias libres: música y paisajes sonoros” (Jacobino Discos, 2009)

Oral Presentations: 

Collectivization of Design and Digital Manufacturing: Social Laboratories

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